Q, literally, is what the left hates the most
''a middle-aged* white man''
or nearing retirement age at most.
Q, literally, is what the left hates the most
''a middle-aged* white man''
or nearing retirement age at most.
my gf is a lady gaga fan (my girl has jewish genetics, with the nose and everything.)
but she has no idea about qanon (we are not americans)
some day in the future i'll tell her about qanon and lady gaga and everyone else and it'll break her beautiful, pure, ignorant heart.
bless me with the needed strangth.
i'm not Christian.
maybe you could point me to the line where it says jesus' mom was not of semitic descent?
kill yourself, you asshat.
and what's wrong with it?
i don't see you countering with a source of your own.
jesus was a jew woman's son.
jesus was a jew.
jesus hated jews.
jesus was perhaps the most famous self-hating jew. we have a lot of them.
jesus, the son of a jew, rebelled against the jews and created Christianity. that's why jews hate him. there's nothing jews hate more than a self-hating jew.
another self-hating jew.
>First century Jews and modern Jews are two completely different groups of people.
>shifting the goalposts 101
money-changers in the 1 AD to money changers today.
christ haters back then to Christ haters today.
i see no difference.
>hurr durr worship the GUY
>what message? just worship the DAMN GUY
Christians, like all other "religious" people, are simply blind.
the message of poor guy is important, you fools. follow his message.
>Born in '86
our most influential years are our teenage.
assume Q was born in 1970, he would be 16 in 1986.
what is 1970 gen called now? what comes right after boomers?