Anonymous ID: 02fb6a Dec. 6, 2019, 12:46 p.m. No.7441361   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1381 >>1762 >>1892

>Reposting 7436544 (pb #9510) for the dayshift


>>7426929 pb #9498 Time to Step Up (Capped)

>>7386742 pb #9447 They work for you


I’ve been a lurker, sometimes poster, in this amazing endeavor since finding Q on /cbts/ in early Nov-2017. I’m grateful to all the anons & autists here for opening my eyes through your research/memes/shitposting/shill bashing. I’m especially thankful for the plan POTUS/Q & the patriots have implemented to help restore this republic to what the Founders envisioned so many years ago.


Spurred on by what POTUS & Q have continuously exhorted us to remember (pic related) & many posts like these 2 anons have thrown out here, I’ve been looking for ways to answer questions such as:

  • What DO we really need to do to play, other than just voting every 2-4 years or simply following the “dig, meme, pray” routine?

  • What can I DO to legally stop funding the crooked schemes these bastards keep cooking up?

  • More importantly, what can We DO to make sure the Constitution is actually enforced in all aspects, not just R v D, once POTUS, Q & the patriots finish the heavy lifting they’re doing to root out the corruption?


Ran across some ways that I’ll post up here for y’all to research on your own.


Taxes – Found several folks who’ve figured out how to NOT file income taxes with the IRS...legally. Takes some research & work, but the best 2 sites I found on how to go about that are sauced below.


Based on his tax research & other things that made him go hmmmm, the taxhonestyprimer author (not me) had several other flashes of insight. This led to his getting other folks involved to form the Our First Right & AmericaAgain!/Tactical Civics organizations that developed & and are implementing a plan whereby We the People can Constitutionally enforce the actions of our elected servants. Sauce below. (46 Essays – Read in any order)

Web Site: (22 Pages)

Web Site:


Article the First confirmation:


The choice to know is yours, so take a look, post comments or better yet...pass the info along to others!