Anonymous ID: edabe8 Dec. 6, 2019, 12:59 p.m. No.7441477   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1707

MBAfag Take on Saudi Aramco IPO


Ask yourselves one question. If you were the richest family in the world, with trillions of dollars in assets…largely produced by owning Saudi Aramco…why would you sell off (even partial) ownership of the assets and future revenue streams?


Money looks forward. Money is inextricably linked to time.


They have shared a wealth of information with this move. My guess is there is about to be a major negative disruption in the oil-as-energy markets in the near future.


Why do I think this? Selling off of currently profitable assets knowing that they will be soon unprofitable is a harvest strategy of diluting your losses on owning worthless costly physical plant that has been superseded by a global paradigm shift in energy. You cash out the value of the plant at today's prices only if oil will drop and stay unprofitably low..if it were going up, you hold. Oil will go back to being a lubricant and the current scale of production will be radically reduced, likely as scrap. PT Barnum with turbans.


Big businesses employ better intelligence than governments where their bread and butter interests are involved. Don't listen to what they're saying, watch what they're doing with their money.


If the richest oil family in the world is selling the cash cow…Sum Ting Wong…with oil futures.


My second guess is we're being primed for some of that Tesla tech coming down the pike. There are black project players making moves in fusion and Zenneck Wave wireless electricity transmission like Tesla was preparing to do at Wardencliffe.


This is long enough…just look at the backgrounds of this one company and you can see the black budget world is breaking onto the surface…literally. Just look the logo inverted…two pyramids, two antennas with a lightning bolt between them…signal much?


Looks like the Saudi's have good intel and are doing a pump and dump. Just one MBA's take…interested in other considerations…it doesn't get much bigger any way you slice it.

Anonymous ID: edabe8 Dec. 6, 2019, 1:43 p.m. No.7441788   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1792


Actually releasing it today has zero administrative impact versus Monday morning…but HUGE informational impact as everyone can pore over it and discuss it all weekend before Monday. Regardless, it should be good to finally get this into the light of day.

Anonymous ID: edabe8 Dec. 6, 2019, 2:16 p.m. No.7442011   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2023


Here's a few on a theme I think we can get some mileage out of with some better mememakers than myself at the task.


Here's the mental hook: Substitute gun free zone for an anatomical location. Where did you get shot? Instead of my arm, butt, whatever…it's the gun free zone. That way after a few impressions from memes that phrase will trigger a gun free zone connection and link them to actual shootings and hopefully we can end this nonsense.


Memefags…let's see what you all can do with this idea…