Anonymous ID: bc479e March 21, 2018, 8:25 a.m. No.744437   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4484 >>4982



In other words, this dinner meeting is totally unrelated to any of the Q drops, expect the bits where he says YOU HAVE THE POWER or where he alludes to open source intelligence.


Guy tweets a picture, says I'm not saying where it is, and bingo, open source intelligence nails it.


Reminds me of that guy who posted a flag on a video stream. Anons geolocated it from the scenery in the back ground and captured the flag. So he moved it to another part of the country and pointed the camera upward so no terrain was visible. So, open source intelligence located it again, from the cloud patterns in the sky and estimated wind speeds. And captured the flag again.


This is the end of your lesson for today.

Anonymous ID: bc479e March 21, 2018, 8:45 a.m. No.744643   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4698 >>4743 >>4759



O great lord Q hallowed is thy name. Thou are the sun and the moon in my life, I serve no other before you great and glorious Q.

On this shining day of your Q goodness, I pray to you oh wondrous Q,

Grant me please this wish that I have for you.

Enlighten me oh Q as I bask in your glory, enlighten me about the Earth.

I know that you Q who created the heavens and the earth are the only authority and I prostate myself before you like the worm that I am.

Tell me please oh great and powerful Q, is the earth round like an orange or flat like a cookie?

I await your answer oh Q and in celebration I have a bag of fresh juicy oranges and a bag of cookies with me that I might sacrifice the appropriate one into my great maw.

Oh Q thou are the sun and the rain which waters the earth, I bow in anticipation.

Anonymous ID: bc479e March 21, 2018, 8:59 a.m. No.744787   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Actually, googling for this:


"ohe" haass


(quotes required) leads to papers about neuro-generative diseases. Release the cure?