Anonymous ID: 1c825c Dec. 6, 2019, 5:12 p.m. No.7443310   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Report: Peter Strzok Grew Up in Iran, Worked as Obama’s Envoy to Iranian Regime

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The pieces of Peter Strzok’s mysterious life are coming together, and it’s not a pretty picture. The man and his father are in fact pro-Islamic Iranian collaborators with an agenda to destroy the United States as we know it.


A recent report by given to Big League Politics by a former co-worker of the FBI agent reveals an extensive background that leaves no question as to where the Strzok’s loyalties lay.


In 1979, the Eau Claire, Wisconsin Leader-Telegram ran an article that discussed Peter Strzok, the dad. It said that Strzok, the dad, had just left Iran that February. The newspaper said that the dad “hopes the government of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini will stabilize the country.”


The article noted: “Strzok’s wife and eight-year-old son, Peter, returned to the U.S. Jan. 6.” His wife, the agent’s mother, Virginia, was a teacher at the American school in Tehran and Peter Strzok, the father, “was working for a firm which sold and serviced 2,000 helicopters for the Iranian government.”


It quoted the elder Strzok as saying, “I’d like very much to go back to Iran,” and it adds that Strzok spent “two terms of military service and seven months as a civilian in the country.”


It says that Strzok was a support unit manager for Bell Helicopter, Inc., and says the paper asked Strzok about the “issue of treatment of Americans in Iran.”


He said the “resentment of America was because Iranians linked the U.S. involved (sic) with the Shah,” explained the Leader-Telegram.


The article quotes Strzok as saying, “When you have a country where hundreds were killed and only two Americans out of the thousands in that country were slain, you can’t make a case of physical violence against Americans,” noting that no Americans were killed in the attack on the American embassy. He said that he hoped “Khomeini would be able to unite those factions and form a stable government,” the newspaper reported.


According to the article, the elder Strzok returned to Iran in July 1978 after retiring as a Lt. Col. with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.


The article concluded by saying the elder Strzok was planning to fly to Saudi Arabia next to “check on a new job with a construction enterprise.”


Online records now give the elder Strzok as living in North Carolina but with previous addresses in Wisconsin, Minnesota and Virginia. According to Guide Star, in 1986, Peter Strzok the dad was listed as the principal agent for a non-profit called International Agricultural Development with the North Carolina address. The non-profit was listed as an agency to facilitate the growth of rural organizations.


An old newspaper article from 1969 also referred to “Major Peter Strzok, chairman, Reserve Officers Training Corps Department, Lake Superior State College in Sault Ste. Marie.”


Now here comes a twist that makes things very interesting. Peter Strzok Sr. worked as the director for Catholic Relief Services (CRS) in Haiti. Research into the financials of CRS reveals connections to the Clinton Global Initiative! Also interesting is the fact that Peter Strzok Jr. worked to secure the purchase of U.S government planes during the Iran Nuclear Deal agreement, the ones Barack Obama used to fly pallets of cash to Iran on U.S government aircraft. Strzok families connections to Iran and Haiti, obviously run very deep. So it’s hardly a coincidence that Obama gave Peter Strzok a high position in FBI. Oh what a tangled web.



Anonymous ID: 1c825c Klobuchar digs Dec. 6, 2019, 5:32 p.m. No.7443435   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Purely a coincidence and conspiracy theory? Any relation to Amy Klobuchar?


Mike Klobuchar, Vice President, Business and Financial Planning, Merck & Co.


For Mike Klobuchar, seemingly at the launch point of a career rise in chemical engineering, a funny thing happened on the way to Princeton University to seek his PhD. He received a job offer from big pharma giant Merck & Co. Confronted with the attractive but difficult choice, he decided to break from the linear educational path common in his field of study—and rather than commit to another five years of schooling, put his skills to the fire.


Mike Klobuchar, Vice President, Business and Financial Planning, Merck & Co.

