Anonymous ID: 309fa0 Dec. 6, 2019, 4:02 p.m. No.7442831   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3245 >>3290 >>3424



Lavrov: The need to eliminate terrorism in Idleb and settle crisis in Syria

Lavrov, during a joint news conference with his Italian counterpart Luigi Di Maio in Rome on Friday, said: “We reaffirmed our commitment to resolution no. 2254 on the settlement of the crisis in Syria and stressed the need to fight terrorism, especially in Idleb, where Jabhat al-Nusra and other terrorist organizations still control most of its areas.”

He added: “The return of the displaced and the reconstruction of areas devastated by terrorism have become our priorities.”

On the settlement of the crisis in Libya, the Russian Foreign Minister stressed that there is no alternative to a peaceful settlement, stressing the necessity of organizing a comprehensive national dialogue.


14 Russian Airstrikes Target Terrorists’ Positions In Southern Idlib (Videos)

Warplanes of the Russian Aerospace Forces carried out late on December 5 no less than 14 airstrikes on terrorists’ positions in the southern Idlib countryside.


Unknown Gunmen Attack U.S.-Occupied Omar Oils Fields In Eastern Syria – Reports

Early on December 6, unknown gunmen attacked the U.S.-occupied Omar oil fields in the southeastern countryside of Syria’s Deir Ezzor, according to the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA).

The state-run agency’s reporter in the eastern region said that the attack coincided with the arrival of U.S. military and logistic supplies to a base inside the fields.

“U.S. occupation forces responded with artillery strikes and fired illumination rounds,” the reporter said.

The Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) denied the SANA’s report claiming that the explosions heard near the oil fields were a result of live fire drills between its units and the U.S.-led coalition.


Army fortifies new points on Hasaka-Aleppo international highway

Syrian Arab Army units on Friday expanded their deployment in the Syrian al-Jazira area, fortifying new points on the Hasaka-Aleppo international highway.

SANA’s reporter in Hasaka said army units expanded their deployment in Hasaka’s northwestern countryside, fortifying new points on the Hasaka-Aleppo international highway at Leylan crossroads west of Tal Tamer.


Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham Commanders Killed by American “Ninja” Bombs in Idleb

American “ninja” bombs have struck two Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham commanders in the town of Atmeh in northern Idleb on Dec. 3, 2019.

Images were distributed of the remains of the bomb, which had blades that breached the roof of the vehicle carrying the commander, which killed him and the driver sitting beside him, in the second use of this type of weapon since 2017.


Three Attacks By Al-Qaeda, Turkish-Backed Militants Targets Syrian Troops Around Idlib

Al-Qaeda-affiliated factions and Turkish-backed groups carried out on December 6 three attacks on Syrian Arab Army (SAA) troops and positions around the Greater Idlib region.

The National Front for Liberation (NFL) announced that it had destroyed a truck of the SAA near the town of Jurin in northwest Hama with an anti-tank guided missile (ATGM).


Syrian War Report – December 6, 2019: Israeli Air Force Bombed ‘Iranian Targets’ Near Al-Bukamal


Anonymous ID: 309fa0 Dec. 6, 2019, 4:04 p.m. No.7442847   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2991 >>3080 >>3184 >>3245 >>3290 >>3424

Coast Guard, Navy Boats Collide in Alaska; 9 Injured


ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) — Nine people were hurt, including one critically, when a U.S. Coast Guard vessel collided with a U.S. Navy boat off Alaska's Kodiak Island.


The accident occurred Wednesday evening in Women's Bay near Kodiak's Coast Guard base, said Lt. Comm. Scott McCann, a Coast Guard Alaska District spokesman in Juneau.


A Coast Guard 38-foot (11.6 meter) special purpose training boat had just completed a helicopter hoist training session with aircraft from the agency's air base, McCann said. Training sessions are aimed at maintaining pilot proficiency for search and rescue missions.


“They had just completed training with the air station and were headed back home,” McCann said.


The boat collided with a Navy vessel of about the same size, McCann said. The vessels were not training together.


Details of the collision have not been released and will be the subject of an investigation,.


Both boats were damaged but able to return to port.


All nine of the injured were taken to a Kodiak hospital. The six injured Coast Guardsmen were treated and released. Two of the Navy personnel were discharged but one with serious injuries was flown to Anchorage for additional treatment.


The Coast Guard boat carries a minimum crew of three and usually four, McCann said. Additional personnel would have been on board for the training session.


Both vessels were damaged but McCann did not have an indication of how badly.


“The extent will be determined by the investigation,” he said.

Anonymous ID: 309fa0 Dec. 6, 2019, 4:06 p.m. No.7442860   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2991 >>3016 >>3080 >>3184 >>3245 >>3290 >>3424

Two Major China Firms Just Missed $526 MILLION In Bond Payments


Two Chinese companies failed to repay bonds worth a combined half a billion dollars on Monday, underscoring rising debt risks in the highly leveraged nation as the economy slows.


Peking University Founder Group was unable to secure sufficient funding to repay a 270-day, 2 billion yuan ($285 million) bond, according to a company filing to the National Interbank Funding Center. Tunghsu Optoelectronic Technology Co. failed to deliver repayment on both interest and principal on a 1.7 billion yuan bond, according to Shanghai Clearing House.

The quickening speed of bond defaults in China, especially among ailing private firms, highlights the growing financial strain triggered by the country’s worst economic slowdown in three decades and unabated trade tensions with the U.S. Last week, industrial firm Xiwang Group failed to pay a 1 billion yuan bond, missing a fresh repayment deadline on an already defaulted bond.


That “worst economic slowdown in three decades” is no accident. Rather, it’s the direct result of President Trump’s trade war policies which have had a negligible impact on the U.S. economy while pushing China to the brink of economic disaster. In short, the president has clearly been right all along – China needs us far more than we need them.

Anonymous ID: 309fa0 Dec. 6, 2019, 4:10 p.m. No.7442895   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2991 >>3080 >>3184 >>3245 >>3290 >>3424

Ratcliffe Reveals The Real Reason Why Schiff Won’t Release Key Transcript


On Saturday, Republican Rep. John Ratcliffe revealed the real reason why House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff is refusing to release a key transcript from Michael Atkinson’s testimony.


Ratcliffe explained in a tweet that he believes Atkinson revealed a key connection between the whistleblower and people close to Schiff himself.


“It’s because I asked IG Atkinson about his ‘investigation’ into the contacts between Schiff’s staff and the person who later became the whistleblower. The transcript is classified ‘secret’ so Schiff can prevent you from seeing the answers to my questions,” he said.


Ratcliffe was responding to a tweet from investigative reporter Paul Sperry who tweeted: “Why is Schiff still withholding transcript of ICIG Michael Atkinson’s Oct 4 closed-door testimony which lasted 8+ hours? He’s released 15 witness transcripts but is still hiding Atkinson’s.”


Although his impeachment hearings were a total bust, Schiff is going forward with impeaching President Trump anyways.


According to Breitbart, House Intelligence Committee chairman Rep. Adam Schiff is giving members of his committee only 24 hours to sign off on his bogus report where he recommends impeaching President Donald Trump.

Anonymous ID: 309fa0 Dec. 6, 2019, 4:11 p.m. No.7442916   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3080 >>3184

The most EVIL corporations of 2019


It’s been a big year for corporate censorship, fraud, perversion, and corruption. A whole slew of tech giants, drug companies, big box retailers, and fast food chains grabbed headlines in 2019 for bending over backwards in proud support of deranged leftists and their many special interests, causes and agendas – and we’d like to highlight these entities below in order to publicly shame them.


The following is a recap of the worst “politically correct” offenders this past year, all of which deserve a dishonorable mention for the respective roles they played in silencing free speech, indoctrinating children into sexual filth, manipulating government agencies and officials, and all-around promoting evil and the continued downfall of our once great nation.

Google, YouTube and Ascension: An unholy trifecta of surveillance and privacy invasion


Arguably the worst offender of all is Google, which committed so many crimes against humanity in 2019 that it’s difficult to list them all. Early on in the year, it was reported that Google secretly records the private conversations of Android users without their permission or consent.


It was also revealed that Google has partnered up with communist China to construct an artificial intelligence (AI) control grid, complete with auto-blacklisting and auto-demonetization of those deemed enemies of the state.


More recently, Google also partnered up with a company known as Ascension to implement an Orwellian scheme known as “Project Nightingale” that involves sweeping up the private health records of millions of Americans.


This is in addition to all of the political censorship, search results manipulation, shadow-banning, and other anti-First Amendment policies that Google has implemented all throughout the year 2019 in anticipation of the 2020 presidential election.

Apple loves transgenders, hates Christians, and rejects all forms of climate skepticism


One of Google’s runners-up, Apple similarly cracked down on free speech in 2019, banning Natural News and other independent news outlets from its Apple News service on the grounds that their climate articles contain information that’s “rejected by the scientific community.”


When it’s not worshiping at the feet of transgenders and targeting Christians and others who oppose the transgender indoctrination of children, Apple is catering to pedophiles and child pornographers, whose egregious online activities apparently don’t violate Apple’s “terms of service.”

Anonymous ID: 309fa0 Dec. 6, 2019, 4:12 p.m. No.7442924   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2930 >>2941 >>3011 >>3080 >>3184

We achieved nothing and don't want to continue: Greta Thumberg DISAVOWS school strike for climate change?


After more than a year of school strikes, climate marches and high-profile speeches, Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg told supporters that her movement hasn’t achieved any actual change and she doesn’t want to continue.


“We are getting bigger and bigger and our voices are being heard more and more, but of course that does not translate into political action,” Thunberg told activists in Madrid on Friday. The 16-year-old activist arrived in the Spanish capital earlier in the day to attend a UN climate summit.


Thunberg, who first shot to fame for organizing a school walkout in her native Sweden last year, said that the worldwide school strike movement is “not a sustainable solution” to climate change.


“We don’t want to continue. We would love some action from people in power,” she added. “We have achieved a lot, but if you look at it from a certain point of view we have achieved nothing.”


Rather than an admission of defeat, Thunberg’s statement was likely another attempt to shame world leaders into declaring a “climate emergency” and pledging to slash carbon emissions.


She struck a similar tone in New York in September, when she told another UN summit “I shouldn’t be up here,” before chastising them for stealing her “dreams and my childhood with your empty words.”

Anonymous ID: 309fa0 Dec. 6, 2019, 4:13 p.m. No.7442934   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3080 >>3091 >>3184

Texas Businessman Convicted of Making Illegal Campaign Contributions to Political Candidates

Anonymous ID: 309fa0 Dec. 6, 2019, 4:17 p.m. No.7442950   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3080 >>3184

French PM Philippe says government will hold course on pension reform as strikes continue


French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe said on Friday he was sticking with plans to reform the country’s pension system but insisted change would be gradual and “not brutal”. Strikes in France to protest the plans will continue through at least Tuesday, December 10.


“I believe in social dialogue … I will never be in a logic of confrontation,” Philippe said after unions called for a new day of strikes and demonstrations next Tuesday.


France is grappling with a second day of travel chaos and understaffed schools and hospitals after street protests on Thursday drew at least 800,000 people.


Fuel meet Fire

Anonymous ID: 309fa0 Dec. 6, 2019, 4:20 p.m. No.7442970   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3080 >>3184 >>3245 >>3290 >>3424

Iran's Zarif claims Israeli rocket test was a nuke 'aimed at Iran'


Images shared on social media showed a projectile streaking through the sky.


Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif took to Twitter Friday night to set an egregious claim that Israel's rocket propulsion system test completed yesterday was actually a nuclear test "aimed at Iran."

"Israel today tested a nuke-missile, aimed at Iran," Zarif said on Twitter. "E3 & US never complain about the only nuclear arsenal in West Asia—armed with missiles actually DESIGNED to be capable of carrying nukes—but has fits of apoplexy over our conventional & defensive ones."


Israel conducted an experimental test of its rocket propulsion system from a military base located in the center of Israel on Friday, the Defense Ministry said.

Images shared on social media showed a projectile streaking through the sky.

The launching, conducted in the early morning hours, was planned in advance and carried out as planned. According to Channel 13, Ben-Gurion International Airport diverted air traffic during the test to allow for the system to be fired safely.

There was no comment on whether or not the test was successful nor what system was tested but some speculated that it may be the surface-to-surface Jericho system, an intercontinental ballistic missile which according to foreign reports can support a nuclear payload.

Anonymous ID: 309fa0 Dec. 6, 2019, 4:27 p.m. No.7443030   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3080 >>3122 >>3125 >>3126 >>3136 >>3184 >>3308 >>3325 >>3373

Saudi Arabia Retreats From The Troubles Its Clown Prince Caused


When the Saudi King Salman promoted his son Mohammad bin Salman (MbS) to Defense Minister and then Crown Prince the expectations were high. But three of the major projects Muhammad since launched soon ran into trouble. Now initiatives are under way to limit the damage he caused. The end of the five year old Saudi war on Yemen is coming into sight. The public offering of the Saudi state owned ARAMCO oil company is finally taken place but with a much lower valuation than originally planned. The thirty month spat with Qatar is under repair.


On August 17 2019 a Yemeni drone attack on Saudi Arabia's oil installations proved that the Saudis had lost the war. Moon of Alabama's headline empathized the effect that it would have:


Long Range Attack On Saudi Oil Field Ends War On Yemen


Today's attack is a check mate move against the Saudis. Shaybah is some 1,200 kilometers (750 miles) from Houthi-controlled territory. There are many more important economic targets within that range. […]


The attack conclusively demonstrates that the most important assets of the Saudis are now under threat. This economic threat comes on top of a seven percent budget deficit the IMF predicts for Saudi Arabia. Further Saudi bombing against the Houthi will now have very significant additional cost that might even endanger the viability of the Saudi state. The Houthi have clown prince Mohammad bin Salman by the balls and can squeeze those at will.


A month later another large scale attack disabled half of the Saudi oil output.


The Saudis since rented additional U.S. military units to provide more air defenses around their oil installations. But U.S. air defenses are not effective against the kind of attacks the Yemenis launched. The Saudis had no choice but to sue for peace.


For several months there have been talks in Oman between Saudi official and Houthi delegations. An preliminary agreement was found but no official announcements were made. That changed today when Saudi Arabia’s Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Adel al-Jubeir made a comment that for the first time recognized the Houthi as a legitimate Yemeni entity:


Speaking on the situation in Yemen, al-Jubeir said that there is a possibility of reaching a truce in the country, which could be followed by a settlement.


“Yemen is of particular importance to us, and Iran’s intervention there is devastating. The only solution in Yemen is political, and the Houthis are the ones who started the war, not us.”


“All Yemenis, including the Houthis, have a role in the future of Yemen,” he added.

Anonymous ID: 309fa0 Dec. 6, 2019, 4:32 p.m. No.7443059   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3223

Female Kentucky Judge Accused of Having Threesomes with Co-Workers in Her Office – Serves Drinks (VIDEO)


Kentucky Judge Dawn Gentry faces nine charges of misconduct in her courthouse. According to reports Gentry would hold threeways in her chambers and serve alcohol.


Judge Gentry also threatened workers to support her campaign or lose their job.


Female Kentucky Judge Accused of Having Threesomes with Co-Workers in Her Office – Serves Drinks (VIDEO)

Jim Hoft by Jim Hoft December 6, 2019 86 Comments


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Kentucky Judge Dawn Gentry faces nine charges of misconduct in her courthouse. According to reports Gentry would hold threeways in her chambers and serve alcohol.


Judge Gentry also threatened workers to support her campaign or lose their job.


WFLA reported:


A Kentucky judge is facing nine charges of misconduct after an investigation revealed she treated the courthouse like her own personal swingers club. Officials say that the issues began when Kenton County Family Court Judge Dawn Gentry decided to hire Stephen Penrose, a former pastor who plays guitar in her band.


During her tenure as a judge, Gentry reportedly allowed staffers to drink and store alcohol in the courthouse. On at least one occasion, she had a threesome with Penrose and her secretary, Laura Aubrey, during work hours. She also tried to pressure one of her co-workers, Katherine Schulz, into having a threesome with her and Penrose. Gentry flirted with Schulz on Snapchat and asked her to seduce her husband and convince him to come to the courthouse to have sex.


Officials also accused Gentry of abusing her position by forcing staffers to support her reelection campaign. According to the complaints, she fired employees who refused to donate to her campaign and replaced them with people who supported her campaign.

Anonymous ID: 309fa0 Dec. 6, 2019, 4:38 p.m. No.7443098   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3110 >>3184

NATO Splits Reveal Alliance is Redundant


If the NATO summit this week marking the 70th anniversary of its foundation in 1949 was meant to be a resounding celebration, it backfired spectacularly, more as a resounding farce. Amid all the pomp and ceremony afforded by an official reception at Buckingham Palace, hosted by the British Queen, the two-day gathering descended into squabbling, sneering and back-stabbing.


For an organization that declares its mission to be about “maintaining peace and security”, the infighting between NATO leaders showed an organization virtually at war with itself.


The culmination of comedy was when US President Donald Trump stormed off before the closing session on Wednesday after he found out about video footage showing other leaders mocking him for his rambling press conferences. The video recording of a “hot-mic” discussion went viral, appearing to show Canada’s Justin Trudeau, Britain’s Boris Johnson and France’s Emmanuel Macron making jokes about Trump. Trump hit back by slamming Trudeau as “two-faced”.


The next day’s front-page headlines captured some of the farce. The London Times: “Trump leaves NATO meeting as leaders are seen laughing”. The Guardian: “Trump leaves NATO meeting after ridicule from allies”. The Financial Times: “Disunity mars NATO summit”. A New York Times’ online briefing edition headlined: “Squabbling and uncertainty cloud NATO’s future”.


NATO’s problems are not just about a clash between personalities. The arrival of Trump as US president has merely brought long-simmering structural and strategic tensions to the surface.


In a nutshell, NATO’s problem is that the US-led military alliance has continued to enlarge when it does not have a credible cohesive purpose. When it was founded in 1949, four years after the Second World War ended, the Atlantic alliance was nominally purposed for defending Europe from alleged aggression by the Soviet Union. In reality, it was the other way around. NATO was founded to harry the Soviet Union. Hence the Russian-led Warsaw Pact was established in 1955, six years after NATO was formed.


Be that as it may, when the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991 that was supposed to herald the end of the Cold War. Instead of disbanding, however, NATO continued to expand as an organization. Over the past three decades it has added 17 new members, many of them proximate to Russia’s borders.


Despite its official claims, NATO is not maintaining peace and security in Europe. It is fueling dangerous tensions with Russia; tensions which could lead to a hot war between nuclear powers.


Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said this week that “NATO’s reckless expansion” is jeopardizing international peace. He said the organization is now functioning as an imperial machine for dominance not just in the Euro-Atlantic hemisphere but in the Middle East as well.


This week’s NATO summit near London was given the slogan “innovating the alliance”. Amid the squabbling and rancor among leaders, the slogan betrays a desperation for the organization to find a credible purpose for itself in the modern age.


The demonization of Russia with absurd claims of Moscow wanting to invade European countries is outlandish scaremongering that is simply not fit for purpose in the eyes of Western publics.


So, this week NATO announced some new “innovations”. Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg told media that, in addition to “protecting Europe” from Russia, the military alliance was for the first time designating China as a “challenge”. He also announced that NATO was henceforth viewing “space as an operational domain”.

Anonymous ID: 309fa0 Dec. 6, 2019, 5:01 p.m. No.7443253   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3298

Judge who ruled on 7-yr-old’s gender ‘transition’ taken off case


DALLAS, Texas, December 6, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – The judge who ruled to grant joint conservatorship to the two parents fighting over the “gender” of their seven-year-old son was recused from the case today, at the orders of another judge.


Judge Tena Callahan, a retired district court judge, recused Judge Kim Cooks of the 255th Dallas District Court from the James Younger case. Judge Cooks will not hear the motion Dr. Anne Georgulas filed to uphold the jury’s original decision, which was in Georgulas’ favor.


Mr. Jeffery Young and Dr. Georgulas were in family court in October over whether one of their twin sons, James, should be subjected to a gender “transition.”


A jury ruled against Mr. Younger despite evidence indicating Dr. Georgulas was planning to seek a medical “transition” for James – against Mr. Younger’s wishes – in the next six months to a year.


Judge Cooks has presided over the Younger-Georgulas trial since 2017. In a prior ruling Judge Cooks granted Dr. Georgulas sole decision-making authority for psychiatric and psychological care for James and Jude, including invasive procedures.


On October 26, Judge Cooks surprised the nation by not upholding the jury’s ruling or her own previous ruling. She granted Younger and Georgulas joint managing conservatorship with equal decision-making authority for James and his twin, Jude.


On November 5, Dr. Georgulas requested that Judge Cooks be recused from the case because of a Facebook post the judge allegedly posted.


According to a Dallas Morning News (DMN) article, Judge Cooks reshared a DMN article about the case, adding her own statement that neither “[the] Governor nor any legislature had any influence on the Court’s Decision.”


While the comment is not visible on the judge’s public figure profile, it is possible that the seemingly neutral comment was made on her private Facebook page and could only be seen by people she had added as “friends.”


Dr. Georgulas also filed a motion on November 5 requesting that Judge Cooks’ ruling be overturned and the jury ruling upheld.


On October 21, the jury answered two questions: 1) Should the current Joint Managing Conservatorship be replaced by a Sole Managing Conservatorship of James and Jude Younger? 2) Should Jefferey Younger be appointed as the Sole Managing Conservator of James and Jude Younger?


The jury answered yes to number one and no to number two. The jury did not explicitly grant Dr. Georgulas Sole Managing Conservatorship. The motion filed by Dr. Georgulas’ lawyer argues that, “only one option exists…Anne Georgulas should be named the sole managing conservator.”


The previous agreement granted Dr. Georgulas sole authority over psychological and psychiatric care for James and Jude Younger. Mr. Younger’s attorney presented medical records indicating James was referred to the GENECIS clinic, a gender “transition” clinic, for a possible medical “transition” around eight or nine years old. If Dr. Georgulas had started to medically ‘transition’ James using puberty blockers, Mr. Younger would not have had a say in the decision.


Multiple expert witnesses testified to the long-term side effects of used puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones on a healthy child. Both parents are under a gag order preventing them from speaking with media.

Anonymous ID: 309fa0 Dec. 6, 2019, 5:09 p.m. No.7443289   🗄️.is 🔗kun

SECOND Jeffrey Epstein victim claims she had sex with Prince Andrew: Duke of York faces shock new allegations as lawyers for women trafficked by the US paedophile launch 'rigorous investigation'


Andrew denied having slept with Virginia Roberts at Ghislaine Maxwell's home

Second woman speaking to lawyers representing Epstein's other alleged victims

Comes after reports that Prince Philip ordered the Duke of York to step down


A second woman who was allegedly abused by billionaire paedophile Jeffrey Epstein has claimed she had sex with Prince Andrew.


This comes after the Duke of York denied having slept with 17-year-old Virginia Roberts at the Belgravia home of Ghislaine Maxwell - who is accused of trafficking in young women for Epstein.


The second woman, who has not been named, has communicated with lawyers who are representing Epstein's other alleged victims, The Mirror reports.


It is being decided whether these allegations will form part of a lawsuit against Epstein's estate and a 'rigorous investigation' is underway, sources say.


There is nothing to suggest that the woman claims to have been coerced into sleeping with the Duke of York.


A palace spokeswoman said the latest allegations are 'not something we would comment on.'


Johanna Sjoberg has claimed that Prince Andrew groped her breasts with a Spitting Image puppet of himself and said she is willing to testify under oath against the Duke of York.


It was today revealed that Prince Andrew was 'particularly fond' of having two women massaging him at once according to former friends, who revealed how models would sit on his lap at high society dinner parties.


An anonymous friend of Andrew's, who went to parties with him after his divorce from Sarah Ferguson in 1996, revealed how 'sexy young models' would fling their arms around him and call him 'Andy, Darling'.


The associate said the Prince's 'sexual appetite' was on full display at one party held in the late 90s - hosted by a British art dealer and his 'exotic foreign wife' - where he would reportedly lie back and allow the models to sit on his lap.