Thank you baker! I'm sure the homos will cry about this pic as well
They better clean up the fucking ocean too
They're trying to out him as Q.
Do you know what that image is?
Think you're hot shit, dontcha?
Big if true
Surely you can't be serious
Not for the faint of heart
I think it's comfy. Only the strong willed can post kek
Reminder anons this >>7443182 is required viewing if you think Pizzgate is bullshit. I dare you to watch that shit and tell me John Podesta isn't a pedophile rapist
Fuck you it's been happening since Day 1. I have no doubts about Trump. What I'm waiting for is to see these puppies
This is a face you can trust
Don't @ me
You really want to start this?
I kinda wanted a real fight. I don't know what you're doing
Poor squirrels. Sick fucking cunt
Why don't you suck my fucking dick, cunt?
I'm sorry to say yes it is real. The evil we're dealing with here goes beyond understanding
Fake and gay like Pizzagate huh?
Notice anything about that bracelet? Certain food items
I did read numbnuts. You said "most likely fake and gay" where is my misinterpretation?