Anonymous ID: 887037 Dec. 6, 2019, 7:13 p.m. No.7443968   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3990 >>4002 >>4005 >>4034 >>4035

Anybody watched any Watchmen on HBO? Its made by White Rabbit Productions. Its got some SJW content, but it seems like a hook. Check it.

The good guys are cops who wear masks (for protection). I think that's us Anons. The bad guys are the corrupt Feds, the big tech/pharma people, the old guard (eye symbolism, KKK roots, mind control). Looking Glass is one of the cop heroes alias. He wears a reflective metal layer in his mask/hats to protect his brain. Its a tinfoil hat. There is a doomsday clock. People say tic tock. Its FULL of Q references.