Sauce, please
I hope you told 'em all to fuck off, pulled yourself up by your bootstraps and got your shit together. If you just listen to yourself you can figure it out
Well, I can't say for you but for me, until I got happy keeping just my own company I didn't trust that I would pick good company to keep.
I feed Q stuff to my dad (71) and shoot stuff to my busy son (27, has a new baby & works 2nd shift, lurks here when he can) - three generation of Qers in a family who would say we were crazy if they knew.
Dayshift - I lurked but it was just bible study mostly til late afternoon
Welcome to the movement, anon. Glad to have you aboard
I wonder if frog made of bacon still tastes like chicken
Just stating the facts. Your post seems a wee bit shilly to me
Sorry, just a random thought