Repost from lb.
>>7443217 lb
>>7442987 lb, POTUS tweet
POTUS tweet
>Why is the World Bank loaning money to China? Can this be possible? China has plenty of money, and if they don’t, they create it. STOP!
>>7442107, >>7442256, >>7442300 Q/Shootings Digg
>Anons theory on shootings: Q taking down bad actors, gives others time to think
this is the very last call to you all.
Q made again clear who is targeted and being taken down as base for the global DS ("Bibilcal" vid with 666 account and punisher drop with "patriot vs cult".)
Q and imo US Mil tweets have repeatedly asked cult people to break free. Q even provided a phone number.
You have seen that there is no way of stopping what is and will be happening.
You have seen that every single move backfired so spectacularly that it can only be explained by knowing the future.
Many of you were and are asked to do things that you more and more understand and hence reject.
The world has changed.
New rules apply.
The cult and all it´s NEEDED symbolism is exposed. There is just no way back into secrecy.
The people are waking up and, despite MSM claiming the opposite, the common-sense people are the majority by far already. (fake news, fake polls, fake narrative)
You can break free - without any harm being done to you.
You don´t need to follow this cult and some satanist scum into prison or worse.
You can break free. Q will have got your backs.
And as Q sees and hears all, it should not be hard to get in contact.
Do it, break free, it´s time.