I'm going to post this whenever I feel like it, as I was accused of sliding the thread by posting it and defending its legitimacy. To that anon cunt, I personally say: FUCK YOU FAGGOT
I know you're in this thread you fucking faggot cunt, go on, tell me the video isn't legitimate. Keep defending John Podesta you RAT FAGGOT FUCKER CUNT
Is this normal? Would you filter in real life if you could too? Just saying
If you mean ignoring like a human with a grown brain, then yes. If you mean literally blocking out of existence, then no. Although I do block people I hate on facebook….fuck, I'm a hypocrite. Maybe it's just because the jew shit doesn't bother me but I guess if you're needing to truly keep up with info it's not the worst thing in the world.
Yes but then none of us would be here. I can understand the filtering, there's just something about it that bothers me. I really hate Black Mirror but that episode where people can block you out of existence is way too creepy
I'm just annoyed, and there's no good titties. I have a horrible habit of picking fights. I'm sorry. I regretted posting it, because even I disagree with myself. I'm begging God to give me some guidance as I'm at my wit's end
AND IT WAS GOOD you just made my night
Friday Night
Titties and Guns
Thank you again, you big breasted woman. You saved me from despair tonight.
I'm not whipping my penis out.
Sometimes. Definitely getting the updated images not appearing problem
I'll post what I got
That's basically been nonstop hasn't it?