The truth is now out there like never before:
“Jewish Banking Houses and Mercantile Families (which comprise the International Banking Cartel) were directly responsible for the unlawful passage of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 and, therefore, accountable for the boom and busts that have repeatedly shocked the US economy and financially ruined the American people. The Federal Reserve Bank is the most powerful of all the central banks tasked with artificially inflating the world’s premier reserve currency and fake fiat money—the US Dollar. The petrodollar, in particular, is destined for an epic collapse. Because the Global Economic & Financial System is hardwired to the US dollar, the banksters know that when it drops like a rock, the reign of the once Almighty Dollar is finally over. This is why they are engineering the greatest and longest sucker’s rally of all time at this very moment.
• The official debt of the United States government is $23.1 trillion as of December 2, 2019, which is owed to primarily foreign banking interests that are owned and/or controlled by Jewish banking families such as the Rothschilds and Rockefellers. In this manner is the U.S. Corporation saddled with ever-increasing debt service payment which go right into the pockets of the member banks of the International Banking Cartel (IBC). Chief among the controlling banks is the Bank for International Settlements headquartered in Basel, Switzerland. However, the most predatory and usurious IBC banking institutions are located in the Financial District in the City of London as well as on Wall Street in New York City. Paris, Frankfort, Brussels, Luxembourg, Rome, Madrid and other Black Nobility financial strongholds are also home to the IBC crime syndicates.”
“…Not only the state-sponsored 9/11 black operation, but also the Oklahoma City bombing, the Las Vegas massacre, Sandy Hook hoax, Parkland Florida High School mass shooting and many other mass casualty events were ordered by the International Banking Cartel. In point of fact, all of the Operation Gladio-style mass shootings were meticulously planned to achieve certain goals such as draconian gun control measures legislated either statewide and/or nationwide. The reality is that Terrorism, Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of the International Banking Cartel inasmuch as it takes a LOT of money to pay for these highly consequential black ops and never-ending psyops.”