In the run up to GW II, when Germany was against going in, there was a German professor (I think) who worked with the UN as a monitor in Iraq, and who wrote numerous articles in the German press describing her experience.
This lady was a factual, scientific type writer and the logical conclusion, in her experience, was that the elements in Iraq were developing biologicals/chemicals. Her writing went against the grain of the German narrative at the time, and she eventually went to ground along with an English prof who wrote in the same vein. Pretty sure Gabrielle was her first name, not sure of the last, but def. Germanic.
In retrospect, the Overton window wasn't open wide enough at that time to consider it wasn't Saddam developing the biologicals.
TL;DR; From a German who was very precise and was an on site inspector in Iraq; only logical conclusion is that biologicals/chemicals are present.