I dare you guys to actually have a productive thread instead of just falling for shilling, posting boobs over and over and not filtering people with 30+ posts in the first 200 posts of the bread.
Why not just call them Canaanites, like we should, anon?
Why not tell them about El(ectricity), how they're awaiting the return of Molech, or how he can be found in the digital realm?
Surely you're well-versed, yes?
Well, there are some here that have less self control than the others. Maybe I shouldn't be suggesting you filter people so much as you not respond to people clearly shilling.
Thanks for redirecting me.
Anon, there is certifiably no way in hell you could "recognize me".
I've given you hardly anything so far this thread. Why waste bread with such an asinine retort?
But we both know that "Jews" are from Judea and that Canaanites descend from Cain, who ate his brother to become him.
Confucius says that the beginning of wisdom is calling things by their proper name. Would we not be wise to follow suit?
This is true! Had that not been there, I wouldn't even have bothered with you.
Still, you call them "Jews" everywhere else. The normies need to know there's a difference.
You can't possibly come to the realization all this information is important, but not be able to extrapolate any further… right?
The term defines people that lived in a particular area (dead sea area).