Wind turbines
take the cool energy of the wind and convert it to electricity which gets converted to heat via transmission loss and work near ground level, making the surface warmer. BLAH
random thinker
Wind turbines
take the cool energy of the wind and convert it to electricity which gets converted to heat via transmission loss and work near ground level, making the surface warmer. BLAH
random thinker
Look up to the stars and photons from 225,000,000 light years away will transfer information and energy directly to your brain,
Surely that would expand your thinking!
Are our bodies similar to cloud chambers? do subatomic particles zipping thru us have an effect on us?
Why do Tibetan monks live in the highest part of the world even though the weather is always shitty? Better connection to the universe?
Dr. Penrose says any fractional part of infinity is also infinite.
The bible says God made man in his image.
Are we a fractional part of an infinite thing?
Is there a limit to human potential ?
Physicists in Japan have shown experimentally that a particle can be made to do work simply by receiving information, rather than energy. They say that their demonstration, which uses a feedback system to control the electric potential of tiny polystyrene beads, does not violate the second law of thermodynamics
Looking glass doesn't need to into time.
Predictive analytics refers to using historical data, machine learning, and artificial intelligence to predict what will happen in the future. Increasingly often, the idea of predictive analytics has been tied to business intelligence.
Toyabe and colleagues have observed this energy-information equivalence by varying an electric field so that it represents a kind of spiral staircase. The difference in electrical potential between successive steps on the staircase is kT, meaning that a thermally fluctuating particle placed in the field will occasionally jump up a step but more often than not it will take a step downwards. What the researchers did was to intervene so that whenever the particle does move upwards they place the equivalent of a barrier behind it, preventing the particle from falling beyond this point. Repeating the process allows it to gradually climb the staircase.
If you look thru a looking glass, will you see pretty patterns?
You know the cat is only in a superposition whiles it's dying,
I mean it does take a few seconds for the damn thing to die right?
It doesn't depend on the observer, that's cabal bullshit.
Is anal sex really that bad, I mean it's soo close to the vagina.
Hmmmm, I think people here are stupid too.
Not my fault, I tried
Seen this? he mentions Trump at 5:15
The US Army Force Management Enterprise Division uses big data and predictive analytics through a system called as Enterprise Management Decision Support tool (EMDS), which drives enterprise related operations across all US Army departments and answers queries regarding any data that an analyst can ask about right from the enemy operations in โฆ
The tree of the knowledge of good and evil was a tree of bullshit.
That's why God didn't want us to have that knowledge.
Just think it was like a tree of the knowledge of astrology, you could be very wise in astrology but if you used a taro card to check if you should cross the street or not, you would surely die.
Maybe that's why he said judge not lest you be judged, He knew the knowledge of good and evil was faulty in some way.
Or to rehearse the script Q gave him, wouldn't want to fuck that up.
Beanz has connections, she doesn't find that shit by herself.
I asked the great 8KUN some questions I'd been pondering.
It told me I sounded like a fag.
Notice her t-shirt?
From the US dept. of energy, was this posted AFTER Perry resigned?
Have some Yolandi
Dubs confirm. fucker waz blockin'
your lucky
House speaker Or house director?
To show the world those you trust the most often do not deserve it.
Have a satanic Elon
Just fuckin with cha
Did you know his uncle developed radiotherapy using a Van d'graph generator?
Saving lives runs in the family.
Is he standing next to Borat?
Guided here by the ghost in the youtube machine like me?
I remember something called CBTS a couple of young guys kissing ol corsi's ass. One of them sounded just like Jack Black.
Black eye Branson says HI
Remember, wherever you go, there you are.
MC says Can't touch that
Spoiler that shit man.
I thought is was about 2 dudes with a ugly car
Shits going down
No way ! the koalas are deadly poisonous
>Chlamydia. how did they get that? you people are sick. just kidding. If I got stuck out in the eucalyptus forest maybe I'd think differently .
Well, he sounds reliable