I don't think the chans are the place for you.
Can bake if needed.
I have no problem with the title, it's just a shitty bake.
qanon.pub maintainer:
the link is showing for the archive, never really seen it do that before
(((They))) try the hur dur it's not mossad thing everytime MOS is mentioned by Q.
Side by side on Drudge
Anyone want to dig on "Granite Cubed"?
That's my thinking too.
Read the OP or the crumb sites redditor.
>The bakers are Mossad agents
Then bake you fucking idiot.
>Q has created a private board
<hur dur this is the only one
Lurk more or gtfo redditor.
>bitches about bakers
>doesn't bake
Just bake then, but since you seem to be retarded you probably shouldn't.
<But you lied and said this is the board Q posts on. Why lie? It's not.
How actually new are you? Q posted here Monday LMFAO.
Carry on pushing your hilariously retarded and unfounded nonsense.
Anon, definitely put those in the meme or side by side thread.
That last pic is fucking hilarious.
Nice, since they legitimately are side by sides that's probably the best thread for them
They're good ammo.
kek, based. Made a thread about the MOS crumb and it got deleted, then another thread about that crumb got moved.
only antiQ threads stay up, which anons do very well in against shills everytime.
Adam, fuck off.