The CRAZY JEWS are going to attack Iran alone.
Probably because Trump is making nice with them.
I hope they get glassed.
The CRAZY JEWS are going to attack Iran alone.
Probably because Trump is making nice with them.
I hope they get glassed.
← This day is coming soon, jews.
Because the are CRAZY NUTTERS hell bent of World Domination or World Destruction if they can't have the former?
The JIDF is among us.
The definition of Crazy or insanity is the inability to reason, or, as you say, make any sense at all.
Bibi will do anything to stay in power and avoid prison. Since we pulled out of Syria, and soon to leave Afghanistan, along with making peace with Iran, the jews are finished, and they know it.
Trouble maker. Kek.
Trump has been clearing our corrupt judges and replacing them at breakneck speed. No point in trying people if a corrupt judge will toss out all of the cases.
Saved. Thanks.
There aren't a record number of sealed federal criminal indictments for no reason.