Anonymous ID: d31fe5 Dec. 7, 2019, 12:30 p.m. No.7448480   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8501 >>8597 >>8598

PLAYBOY Hooked Boomers on Porn to Destroy Marriage/Family


Pornography as Social Engineering, May 1964 - PLAYBOY playmates were "the girl next door." They were not models. They had a wholesome innocence that PLAYBOY destroyed. More than anything, PLAYBOY turned women into sex objects. Its message was that all women were available without marriage.


At age 70, I am starting to appreciate the damage


I did to myself by my youthful addiction to PLAYBOY.


It wasn't called sex addiction then but it was.


PLAYBOY made me see women as sex objects.


That's a cliche but the implications were profound.


When you dehumanize them, you cannot see who they really are.


You cannot relate; you are much less likely to succeed.


We put them on pedestals because


they had the keys to sexual "paradise."


Whenever we want anything more than


to be true to ourselves, we become its slave.


Women don't like slaves.


The Illuminati are responsible for spreading this dysfunction.


They deliberately destabilized male-female relationships


by making us focus on appearance & sex, like homosexuals.


Born from Cabalism (Satanism,) the Illuminati created Communism, which regards women as sexual utilities.


Women have exchanged the loving roles of wife and mother for meaningless careers.


Hugh Hefner was probably a crypto-Jew. Most of the editors were Jews. The PLAYBOY philosophy was the liberal agenda (Communism): sexual permissiveness, feminism, homosexuality and weaponizing racial minorities to undermine social cohesion.


We cannot underestimate the effect PLAYBOY had. Confined to marriage, sexual intercourse was a sacrament that celebrated a loving bond. Now it is just a bodily function. Sexual depravity is the hallmark of satanic possession.


Part 1- PLAYBOY and the (Homo) Sexual Revolution

Anonymous ID: d31fe5 Dec. 7, 2019, 1:13 p.m. No.7448759   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8773

‘We can make a deal together’: Trump thanks Iran for ‘very fair negotiation’ that led to prisoner swap


In a reprieve from the usual bellicose rhetoric, President Donald Trump thanked the leaders of Iran for swapping an American prisoner with a detained Iranian scientist. Senior officials, however, told a different story.


Princeton scholar Xiyue Wang left Iran for the US on Saturday morning, while Iranian Scientist Massoud Soleimani returned to Tehran from America. Wang had been in Iranian custody since 2016 and was serving a ten-year term on espionage charges, while Soleimani was arrested in Chicago last year for sanctions violations and was awaiting trial.


The prisoner exchange came after weeks of negotiations, a senior US official told reporters on Saturday. President Trump later thanked Iran for “a very fair negotiation,” and suggested that the swap was proof “we can make a deal together.”


Relations between Washington and Tehran have declined sharply since Trump withdrew from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA, or Iran Deal) last year. The deal had offered Iran some sanctions relief in exchange for a halt to its nuclear program, yet Washington reapplied these sanctions in the months following the withdrawal.


The situation deteriorated even further this summer, when Washington blamed the Islamic Republic for a series of sabotage attacks on oil tankers and infrastructure in the Persian Gulf and beefed up its military presence in the region.


With tensions simmering, the prisoner exchange can be seen as a triumph of diplomacy over threats, and Trump’s tweet is perhaps his most positive statement towards Iran to date. However, an administration official told reporters on Saturday that the US’ “maximum pressure” campaign is highly effective, and was responsible for Wang’s release – suggesting that a shift towards diplomacy may be wishful thinking.


Far from wearing down the will of the Iranian government, “maximum pressure” has only served to harden its rhetoric, and punish ordinary Iranian citizens. Iranian leaders have repeatedly blamed US sanctions for the country’s humanitarian woes, and Saturday’s exchange in all likelihood took place despite the pressure campaign, not because of it.


One US official told reporters that Trump remains committed to holding talks with Iran “with no preconditions.” Iranian President Hassan Rouhani also said this week that he is willing to sit down and talk, as long as “America is prepared to lift and put aside its wrong, cruel, unlawful, incorrect, terrorist sanctions.”

Anonymous ID: d31fe5 Dec. 7, 2019, 1:15 p.m. No.7448778   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8801 >>8935 >>9055

Virginia Sheriff: ‘I Will Deputize Thousands of Citizens To Protect Their Gun Rights’


Culpepper County, VA — It looks like what Virginia gun owners needed was a wake up call. Or more accurately, a wake up slap in the face.


Ever since Bloomberg bought himself a blue Virginia and stacked it with eager anti-gun legislators, we’ve told you how the state is on fire with pro-gun rights sentiment.


County after county has joined the Second Amendment Sanctuary list, totaling 42 counties in less than six weeks.


Add one more sheriff to the list of Second Amendment heroes.


Sheriff Scott Jenkins of Culpepper County, VA made a post on his official county Facebook page pledging to support the Second Amendment. In the post made on December 4th, Jenkins went so far as to say that he has a strategy if gun control comes knocking:


“I plan to properly screen and deputize thousands of our law-abiding citizens to protect their constitutional right to own firearms.”


That’s right.


Jenkins wants to deputize thousands of law-abiding citizens who would otherwise be denied their right to defend themselves and their families by tyrannical gun control laws that might pass in the 2020 legislative session.


And Scott Jenkins isn’t acting alone or flying by the seat of his pants.


Just this week, the seven members of the County Legislators voted unanimously to declare Culpepper County a Second Amendment Constitutional County.


This is what Virginia counties are calling their “Second Amendment Sanctuary counties.”

Anonymous ID: d31fe5 Dec. 7, 2019, 1:19 p.m. No.7448812   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8830

Three rockets fired towards southern Israel


IDF says two of the rockets were intercepted


Three rockets were fired from the Gaza Strip towards southern Israel on Saturday night with two of them intercepted by the Iron Dome missile defense system.

Incoming rocket sirens were activated at around 9 p.m. in Sderot and surrounding communities bordering the northern part of the blockaded coastal enclave.

Locals reported hearing blasts, and video shared on social media showed at least two interceptions. The third projectile is believed to have fallen in open territory, causing no damage.

Magen David Adom spokesman Zaki Heller reported that paramedics and EMTs treated a 40-year-old woman and her daughter, 10, and a 27-year-old male. All were lightly injured.

Another two people were treated by MDA for stress symptoms.

According to KAN Radio, IAF aircraft were scrambled to the northern Strip three times on Saturday following reports of suspicious activity near the border but returned to base after checking that there had been no infiltration into Israel.

Also on Saturday, the IDF said troops arrested two unarmed Gazans who crossed the border fence in southern Israel. They were arrested and taken in for questioning.

The rockets come a day after Hamas resumed the Great Return March protests after a three-week break following Operation Black Belt between the IDF and Palestinian Islamic Jihad which saw over 400 rockets fired towards southern and central Israel, including Tel Aviv.

On Friday, an estimated 4,000 Gazans took part in the protests, with hundreds rioting and throwing explosive devices and rocks at IDF troops deployed at the fence who responded with riot dispersal means. The Hamas-run Gaza health ministry said that 27 Palestinians were injured.

Also on Friday, IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Aviv Kochavi met with the mayors of communities bordering the Gaza Strip and said that following the last round of violence, in which Hamas did not fire one rocket, there is a chance to negotiate a long-term ceasefire with the terrorist organization.

“The IDF’s actions in ‘Black Belt’ succeeded due to the resilience of residents of the Gaza periphery and your leadership, and it allows us a special opportunity to create a different reality in the region,” Kohavi said.

Kochavi was joined by the head of the Southern Command Maj.-Gen. Hertzi Halevi and the Gaza division commander Brig.-Gen. Eliezer Toledano.


Israel firing rockets again so they can justify bombing children??!

Anonymous ID: d31fe5 Dec. 7, 2019, 1:20 p.m. No.7448824   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8935 >>9055

US State Department denies Netanyahu talked Jordan Valley annexation with Pompeo


PM had explicitly said he and US secretary of state discussed the possible move in a meeting last week; senior US official says no such plan was presented


A senior US State Department official rejected on Saturday the claim made by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that he discussed the possible annexation of the Jordan Valley and other parts of the West Bank with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo during a meeting between the two on Wednesday.


“I can tell you that there was no annexation plan, full or partial, for any part of the West Bank presented by Israel to the United States during the meeting,” Assistant Secretary for Near Eastern Affairs David Schenker told reporters in an official State Department briefing.


“And that has long been the US government position — that the ultimate disposition of territory is to be determined between the parties,” Schenker added, citing the traditional US support for Israeli-Palestinian negotiations.


Netanyahu, speaking on Thursday at the end of a two-day trip to Portugal where he and Pompeo met, explicitly said that the two discussed the possible annexation plan.


“We discussed the issue of annexation, but we’re not talking about timetables yet. These things are much easier when you have a government,” Netanyahu told reporters at his Lisbon hotel after he met with Portuguese Prime Minister Antonio Costa. Israel has had a transitional government since the April elections.

Anonymous ID: d31fe5 Dec. 7, 2019, 1:25 p.m. No.7448850   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Joe Biden Says 3 Million Deportations Is ‘Nothing’ To Apologize For


Joe Biden, during a sit-down interview with a Telemundo reporter, said he had “nothing” to apologize for when confronted about the Obama administration’s immigration record.

About 3 million people were deported during the eight years of the Obama administration, and so far it was conducted at a pace much faster pace than currently seen in the Trump White House.

Biden has been repeatedly criticized by immigration activists for the high number of deportations, but he has so far refused to back down from his moderate position.


Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden said he had “nothing” to apologize for when asked about the millions of illegal aliens deported under the Obama administration.


Biden, who served as vice president for eight years under the Obama administration, was again confronted about the high number of deportations that took place during his time in office. He was explicitly asked if he should apologize for the roughly 3 million people who removed from the U.S. under his tenure, in a Noticias Telemundo exclusive interview.


“The Obama-Biden legacy includes more than 3 million people deported in the years you were in power. And some of the structures that were created during there have really been the ones that President Trump built upon to have his zero-tolerance family separation policy,” said Telemundo reporter Jose Diaz-Balart.


“Do you — should you be apologizing for anything?” he asked.

Anonymous ID: d31fe5 Dec. 7, 2019, 1:27 p.m. No.7448869   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8935 >>9019 >>9055

US Doesn't Rule Out Sending Additional Troops to Syria - Esper


US Secretary of Defence Mark Esper commented on a variety of issues on Saturday while delivering remarks at the Reagan National Defense Forum. The forum is an annual event that takes place at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, California.


"I think we have enough troops in Syria and if we don’t we would deploy additional troops — that’s one of the things I keep in close contact about with the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff", Esper said.


Esper said earlier in the week that US troops in northeastern Syria had finished maneuvers and asserted that the total number of troops on the ground would remain at around 600.


“The coalition is talking a lot again. We could see some allies want to volunteer troops […] If an allied country, a NATO country, decided to give us 50 people, I might be able to turn off 50 people”, Esper said in an interview on Tuesday during a flight back from the NATO summit in London.


The movement of US forces has been the cause of much uncertainty in Syria following US President Donald Trump's abrupt announcement of a withdrawal of troops in early October.


The pullout was never completed, however, and US troops eventually set up camp in close proximity to Syrian oil fields controlled by Pentagon-allied Kurds.—esper/

Anonymous ID: d31fe5 Dec. 7, 2019, 1:47 p.m. No.7448970   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9055

Hawkins: Gun-Free Military Installations Make U.S. Troops Sitting Ducks


The December 6, 2019, Naval Air Station Pensacola attack reminded us once more that gun-free policies on military installations make U.S. troops sitting ducks.


Breitbart News reported that a gunman opened fire Friday morning in Pensacola, killing three innocents and causing numerous others to be transported to the hospital for injuries.


The Associated Press reported that the Pensacola gunman was an aviation student from Saudi Arabia, and NBC News reported that the gunman’s name was Mohammed Saeed Alshamrani.


He used a handgun to carry out his attack.


Pertinent to news of this horrific firearm-based attack is the fact that Naval Air Station Pensacola is a gun-free zone.


Breitbart News reported the air station’s gun-free status shortly after the attack. The station’s firearm policy, as described by Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic, notes:


While federal and state laws differ widely on the subject, regulations pertaining to the registration, transportation, and storage of firearms on Naval Installations in the Mid-Atlantic area of responsibility are clear. According to the instruction, all hands share responsibility for adhering to regulations pertaining to the registration, transportation, and storage of firearms in the AOR.


The policy also points out that “state issued ‘concealed weapons permits’ are not recognized on any Navy installation.”


The firearm policy allows guns to be brought on base after obtaining approval from a commanding officer but notes that such firearms “may only be stored in the installation’s armory.” Moreover, during transport onto the installation, all firearms are to be “unloaded and secured with a trigger lock and ammunition must be carried in the farthest most possible location away from the firearm.”


In other words, men and women who have signed up for years of service to use advanced weaponry–including fully automatic weapons, guided missiles, drones with precision striking capability, and numerous other mechanisms–are forbidden from carrying a handgun on the station for self-defense. Again, we are not talking about a fully automatic M4, an MP5, or other machine gun or submachine gun. Rather, we are talking about a 9mm handgun for self-defense. They are prohibited from carrying it even if they have a concealed carry permit on top of their military credentials.


The result is that no one can shoot back when an attacker pulls a handgun and begins shooting.


We saw the same thing at Fort Hood on November 5, 2009. In that attack, 13 innocents were killed in a firearm-based attack on a military gun-free zone.


We saw it again at Fort Hood on April 2, 2014. In that attack, three innocents were killed in a firearm-based attack on a military gun-free zone.


We saw it on September 16, 2013. In that attack, 12 innocents were killed in a firearm-based attack on D.C.’s Navy Yard.


As with the Fort Hood attacks, the horrific D.C. Navy Yard attack showed that if an attacker could succeed in sneaking his gun onto the premises, he was going to enjoy a period of time where he could shoot and no one could shoot back.


Sadly, we saw such an attack again on July 16, 2015, when a gunman targeted military offices in Chattanooga, Tennessee, killing five innocents. CNN reported that the Chattanooga gunman killed four marines and one sailor.


There are other examples that could be cited, but the point is sufficiently made–gun-free military bases create a problem.


We should be praising our men and women in uniform for their commitment to trade years of private life for the public cause of defending liberty. Instead, we stick them on military bases where they are defenseless if the individual next to them pulls a gun and starts to attack.

Anonymous ID: d31fe5 Dec. 7, 2019, 1:49 p.m. No.7448979   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9025

LA Times Editorial Board Publishes Op-Ed Saying Trump Should Be Impeached


The editorial board of the Los Angeles Times has called for President Donald Trump’s impeachment in an op-ed published on Saturday titled “We’ve seen enough. Trump should be impeached.”


The newspaper’s editors argued that the information from the House impeachment probe is “more than sufficient to persuade us that he should be impeached.”


“The Times’ editorial board was a reluctant convert to the impeachment cause. We worried that impeaching Trump on essentially a party-line vote would be divisive. It is also highly likely that Trump would be — will be — acquitted by the Republican-controlled Senate, and that, rightly or wrongly, he would point to that in his reelection campaign as exoneration,” the op-ed claimed. “But those concerns must yield to the overwhelming evidence that Trump perverted U.S. foreign policy for his own political gain. That sort of misconduct is outrageous and corrosive of democracy. It can’t be ignored by the House, and it merits a full trial by the Senate on whether to remove him from office.”


The Times then pushed the Democrat Party talking point that “constitutional experts testified before the Judiciary Committee, the framers of the Constitution had just such self-dealing in mind when they wrote the impeachment clause.”


Even if the impeachment hoax passes through the House, two-thirds of the GOP-held Senate would need to vote for his removal — something highly unlikely to happen.


The Times went on to beg the House to write articles of impeachment that would win over the public and the Senate to their cause.


“Holding the president accountable for gross abuse of power is the business of Congress. The House should get on with that business by writing articles of impeachment that make it clear to the Senate — and the American people — why the extraordinary remedy of impeachment is necessary. And Republicans who complain that the process is partisan could easily rectify that situation by abandoning their lockstep loyalty to Trump and looking at the facts,” the Times stated.

Anonymous ID: d31fe5 Dec. 7, 2019, 1:51 p.m. No.7448992   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9007 >>9055 >>9114

GRAPHIC: 19 Killed During Three-Day Cartel-Violence Spree in Western Mexico


A series of targeted attacks led to the deaths of at least 19 people. The attacks came as part of an ongoing cartel dispute in and around the capital of the Western state of Michoacán. The state officials report 1,650 murders so far this year — locals claim the actual number is much higher.


The violence began earlier this week in Morelia, the capital city of Michoacán. Groups of gunmen raided several homes to kill rival cartel members. Preliminary information points to the attacks being carried out by members of Los Viagras cartel who have received help from other factions. The alliance is now going by the name Carteles Unidos. The victims of the attacks are believed to be individuals who had been working with Mexico’s Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generacion (CJNG).