Well if you're gonna do it, then I'm gonna do it.
Yes, shills have been around since the beginning, intent on confusing, distracting and lying. Your clock is FAKE. It distracts from real researh into the real CLOCK referred to by Q. Anons are on it.
I'll watch for your research with interest.
I'm leaning towards thinking the key that unlocks the clock's puzzle is 'variable' too. Recursive?
I better use up this meme. It won't be useful much longer.
Nice! Q got trips!!!
Gosh, I always assumed it was an owl even before I knew Drudge was comped. I didn't see anything but an owl. What else is it supposed to be. A siren?
Well it's a White Squall reference to taking away Jeff Bridge's sailing ticket. But who are you actually talking about here?