Meh, could be taken both ways. I mean, Jesse asking might prompt some other reporter to ask him directly.
Order of deletion important?
I'm not convinced this isn't a white hat op. Given POTUS, Rudy, Barr, et al's history of taking down the mob, who says the Cali guy didn't roll over on his buddies and then just "disappear" so the good guys could fabricate his "murder" by a Q person? Also, Ali Watkins writing these NYT articles is suspect af…unless she flipped on Wolfe and was given a role to play instead of an indictment.
I only say it because it seemed they disappeared in dribs and drabs, not all at once. Oh well.
Right? MSNBC and CNN could even use this as ammo against Fox in general, go from the perspective of "stupid Fox is for conspiracy nuts!"