Anonymous ID: 582a34 Dec. 7, 2019, 9:02 p.m. No.7452961   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3198 >>3453 >>3601 >>3684

Devin Nunes: My Phone Records Don’t Match Records in Schiff’s Impeachment Report (VIDEO)


On Tuesday House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff said phone records he collected in the impeachment investigation raised questions about whether his Republican counterpart on the committee, Rep. Devin Nunes, might have been “complicit” in a White House plot to pressure Ukraine.


Schiff collected phone records on Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, his Republican counterpart Rep. Devin Nunes, and reporter John Solomon and posted the records in his report.


Laura Ingraham says the deep state NSA and AT&T helped Schiff in the unprecedented surveilance of Giuliani, Nunes and John Solomon.


On Saturday morning Devin Nunes told FOX and Friends that his phone records do not match what Schiff and the Democrats put in their report.


Devin Nunes: My Phone Records Don’t Match Records in Schiff’s Impeachment Report (VIDEO)

Jim Hoft by Jim Hoft December 7, 2019 14 Comments


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On Tuesday House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff said phone records he collected in the impeachment investigation raised questions about whether his Republican counterpart on the committee, Rep. Devin Nunes, might have been “complicit” in a White House plot to pressure Ukraine.


Schiff collected phone records on Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, his Republican counterpart Rep. Devin Nunes, and reporter John Solomon and posted the records in his report.


Laura Ingraham says the deep state NSA and AT&T helped Schiff in the unprecedented surveilance of Giuliani, Nunes and John Solomon.


On Saturday morning Devin Nunes told FOX and Friends that his phone records do not match what Schiff and the Democrats put in their report.


Devin Nunes: So finally yesterday I had a chance to go through all my phone records and I can tell you my phone records do not match what Schiff and the Democrats put in that report… I can tell you it doesn’t match. I have one call with Rudy Giuliani in April, one in May. The rest of the calls are either when somebody didn’t connect or it was voicemail. So, one in April, one in May. I have a call from someone who I assume is Parnes’s wife, it’s registered to a lady… I can tell you there’s no way about me being in Vienna.

Anonymous ID: 582a34 Dec. 7, 2019, 9:06 p.m. No.7452976   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3017 >>3569

At Least 35 People Feared Dead After Major Fire Breaks Out in New Delhi Factory - Video


According to India Today, rescue and fire department officials have rescued some 50 people, with the Delhi police allegedly confirming the huge death toll on Sunday morning.


A massive blaze at a factory in New Delhi's Anaj Mandi district claimed at least 35 lives on Sunday morning, India Today reported. Some 50 people are believed to have been injured and rushed to 4 hospitals in the Indian capital.


A rescue operation is underway, as even more people are feared to be trapped in the building.


According to local media reports, the fire broke out in an "illegal plastic factory running inside a house", and quickly spread, engulfing two other houses.—reports/

Anonymous ID: 582a34 Dec. 7, 2019, 9:09 p.m. No.7453007   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3037 >>3038 >>3057 >>3149 >>3208

Trump Sparks Outrage by Calling on American Jews to ‘Love Israel More’


US President Donald Trump on Saturday addressed the annual Israeli-American Council (IAC) National Summit in Florida, where some 4,000 Israelis and American Jews gathered.


Speaking on Saturday at the 2019 IAC National Summit in Florida, President Donald Trump said that people in the United States should love Israel more.


“We have to get the people of our country, of this country, to love Israel more, I have to tell you that. We have to do it. We have to get them to love Israel more", Trump said.


POTUS also suggested that there are some American Jews who do not “love Israel enough”.


“It’s truly my honour to be here this evening, to celebrate our progress, to deepen the incredible partnership between the United States and Israel, and it suffered greatly in the last administration. I don’t think they liked Israel too much, I’m sorry", Trump said.


The US president said that Tel Aviv has never had a “better friend in the White House” than himself, claiming that unlike his predecessors, he has kept his promises to the Jewish people.


His remarks have sparked outrage on social media, with many saying that the US president cannot tell the Jewish people they "don't love Israel enough":

Anonymous ID: 582a34 Dec. 7, 2019, 9:14 p.m. No.7453040   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3050 >>3084 >>3136 >>3198 >>3453 >>3601 >>3684

Revealed: Prince Andrew made secret deal to use tax haven tycoon’s £40m luxury jet to fly the world because he was fed up with ageing RAF planes, sparking calls for official probe into duke’s opaque finances


Prince Andrew travelled on Global Express at least five times on Royal duties

Funding for £7,600 per hour jet owned by financier David Rowland is a mystery

Duke sought assurances it would have tight security as Royals were to use it

He opened a bank in tax haven Luxembourg, 2009, and one in Monaco in 2012

Ex-MP Nigel Mills to demand probe by National Audit Office spending watchdog


Prince Andrew made a secret deal to fly around the world on a £40million luxury jet owned by a controversial financier whose private bank he quietly promoted while working as Britain’s overseas trade envoy.


A leaked email reveals how Andrew fixed it so that property tycoon David Rowland’s sumptuous 14-seat plane was used for some of his overseas Royal engagements after the Prince became ‘frustrated’ with the ageing aircraft provided by the RAF.


Records unearthed by The Mail on Sunday show how in the last two years Andrew has travelled on the Global Express at least five times while on official Royal duties, some of which he combined with promoting his treasured Pitch@Palace project or Mr Rowland’s latest business venture.


The email also reveals how Andrew, Britain’s roving trade ambassador between 2001 and 2011, sought assurances that the aircraft would have tight security while it was on the ground at Farnborough airport in Hampshire, because ‘it was going to be used by members of the Royal Family’.


Last night, Buckingham Palace said the flights were not taxpayer funded but refused to explain how they were paid for, other than to say the matter was ‘private’. A spokesman also refused to say which Royals had used the jet or who met the security



Anonymous ID: 582a34 Dec. 7, 2019, 9:21 p.m. No.7453092   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3110

Report Shows Dramatic Health Benefits Following Air Pollution Reduction


Reductions in air pollution yielded fast and dramatic impacts on health-outcomes, as well as decreases in all-cause morbidity, according to findings in “Health Benefits of Air Pollution Reduction,” new research published in the American Thoracic Society’s journal, Annals of the American Thoracic Society.


The study by the Environmental Committee of the Forum of International Respiratory Societies (FIRS) reviewed interventions that have reduced air pollution at its source. It looked for outcomes and time to achieve those outcomes in several settings, finding that the improvements in health were striking. Starting at week one of a ban on smoking in Ireland, for example, there was a 13 percent drop in all-cause mortality, a 26 percent reduction in ischemic heart disease, a 32 percent reduction in stroke, and a 38 percent reduction in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Interestingly, the greatest benefits in that case occurred among non-smokers.


“We knew there were benefits from pollution control, but the magnitude and relatively short time duration to accomplish them were impressive,” said lead author of the report, Dean Schraufnagel, MD, ATSF. “Our findings indicate almost immediate and substantial effects on health outcomes followed reduced exposure to air pollution. It’s critical that governments adopt and enforce WHO guidelines for air pollution immediately.”


In the United States, a 13-month closure of a steel mill in Utah resulted in reducing hospitalizations for pneumonia, pleurisy, bronchitis and asthma by half. School absenteeism decreased by 40 percent, and daily mortality fell by 16 percent for every 100 μg/m3 PM10 (a pollutant) decrease. Women who were pregnant during the mill closing were less likely to have premature births.


A 17-day “transportation strategy,” in Atlanta, Georgia during the 1996 Olympic Games involved closing parts of the city to help athletes make it to their events on time, but also greatly decreased air pollution. In the following four weeks, children’s visits for asthma to clinics dropped by more than 40 percent and trips to emergency departments by 11 percent. Hospitalizations for asthma decreased by 19 percent. Similarly, when China imposed factory and travel restrictions for the Beijing Olympics, lung function improved within two months, with fewer asthma-related physician visits and less cardiovascular mortality.

Anonymous ID: 582a34 Dec. 7, 2019, 9:25 p.m. No.7453103   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3198 >>3453 >>3601 >>3684

Serbian President denies plans to produce weapons with Russia


BEGRADE – Serbia has no plans to manufacture weapons or missiles in conjunction with Russia, President Aleksandar Vucic told reporters.


Shortly before, the Serbian leader examined at the Batajnici military airport outside Belgrade four Mi-35 helicopters, three Mi-17 helicopters and seven recently purchased Airbus H-145s from the aircraft manufacturer.


“I can’t confirm it because there is a lot of manipulate with different kinds of information and I can’t act so irresponsibly,” the president said, commenting on media reports that Russia and Serbia will in future produce missiles, armored vehicles, ammunition and Heavy military trucks together.


Vucic emphasized that Russia offered his country a considerable discount on “more than 10 million” military equipment purchases and expressed its gratitude to Moscow.


Serbia is the largest importer of Russian military weapons and equipment in Europe. Previously, the Republic bought seven Mi-17 and Mi-35 helicopters from Russia and also received six MiG-29 fighters and ten armored vehicles as a gift.

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Last October, Vucic assured that his country would also like to purchase the S-400 air defense systems, but for now it cannot buy them for economic reasons.


In October, former Serbian Chief of Staff Gen. Ljubisa Divokic says the presence of S-400 systems in his country for joint military exercises is a sign of confidence. Following the exercises, Serbia confirmed the purchase of Pantsir-S mobile anti-aircraft artillery systems.


Former Serbian chief of staff Gen. Ljubisa Dikovic said in an interview in October that he believed Russia only brought its S-400 systems to Serbia because it trusted the Slavic country and considered it a reliable partner.


“The presence of these systems on our territory is a sign of unprecedented trust and friendship. It is very important for Serbia and our security system,” said the general.


A division of Russian S-400 anti-aircraft systems and a battery of Pantsir-S mobile anti-aircraft artillery systems participated in the second phase of the joint Slavyasnsky Schit 2019 (Slavic Shield) military exercises. The exercises focused on air defense training.

Anonymous ID: 582a34 Dec. 7, 2019, 9:38 p.m. No.7453176   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Israeli aircraft bomb Hamas positions in Gaza after rocket attack


IDF confirms retaliatory airstrikes hours after Iron Dome downs three missiles; Palestinians say at least two injured


3 suspect rockets hit nothing so they bomb a residential area and claim it's hamas?!