Anonymous ID: a84f25 Dec. 7, 2019, 10:35 p.m. No.7453559   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3731

Probably the only one who resents Faux too much to "enjoy" the Watters. Just seeing "Watters' World 'Investigates' " – The day Faux "investigates" anything will will be the first.

Stuck near a tv having to hear "Russians" 10Xs a sentence… now it's "impeachment" … when everything from the whole Awan clan and literally EVERYTHING not in those memos has gone ignored.

This stems from back in the Primaries when had to pray for Hannity to have the green light to clear something up because this Mockingbird shit tore people apart, people bashing Candidate Trump because of Faux CENSORING the only hope of hearing the truths and full context of DJT's (all TRUE!) statements – Hannity (and Lou on the other Chat).