33 million Americans think Qanon is a good thing but I think most of them are tucked into bed right now
Awful quiet in here
I got to imagine that when the great awakening really happens this place will be hopping 24/7
33 million Americans think Qanon is a good thing but I think most of them are tucked into bed right now
Awful quiet in here
I got to imagine that when the great awakening really happens this place will be hopping 24/7
Maybe thats it - I thought it was really confusing when I first tried to get into here
Do you think most just come and read whats going on here? I remember Jim Watkins said that before the site went dark they were tracking about a million unique visitors a day
And ya copy and paste is hard for some of us
I sure hope we're not the only two people thinkin about this
Nice car
Thats frustrating
I know that's going to be very helpful
Very generous
I was thinking other questions but I'll take what I can get
Feels like a test but not an IQ test
I know pi is important
Ya I'll definitely be seeking out the original source
I wish I'd never seen jacob's Ladder