Q What Vaccines are Poison/bad ? you could tell us now….. or 2 years ago really….. we're dying out here, we're broke, we're suffering WHY ? They stole our FUCKING Lives basically ! Been here since jump & wanted to take these crooks out to camp one by one last year…. I am a year behind schedule now ! Ya I'm Pissed Off Rant over….
Fuck off…… Would know a shill from a Patriot it seems….. Dick go back under your rock.
Same suffering right now all tendons on fucking fire & sore as fuck…… I think it is a Lyme disease thing….imo
Bio weapon… All the MORE should Give us the CURE as I believe over 70% of the US Population is infected. it is spread from Mother to baby, Man to woman just like Syphilis… Hurts like hell & you look normal…… Come the fuck on Q Help some buddy !
HOW MANY ARE IN THE SENATE ? That is the Question ? Mossad that is ?