Anonymous ID: 0a5f9f Dec. 8, 2019, 7:25 a.m. No.7455307   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5382 >>5402 >>5408 >>5604


And are the Roths in control of MOS?

If that's true then Epstein = MOS op = Roths.

Lynn Forester de Rothschild and Epstein? (yes)

Clinton asking for forgiveness?

If they control the church, how do they control the clergy?

Through Epstein/MOS style cult/blackmail?

Anonymous ID: 0a5f9f Dec. 8, 2019, 8:02 a.m. No.7455565   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5643 >>5966


Before Israel was the power seat for Zionist jews,

where was the main geolocation of their activities?

Where was the World Zionist Organization?

What about the World Jewish Congress?


What organizations, and people are connected to these Zionist groups?

If you dig, you will find Marx, and Banks, and Rothschilds.

If this is true, what is the history of these organizations? The state of Switzerland?

How was Switzerland founded? created? as we know it today.



France essentially created Switzerland as we know it today.

Anonymous ID: 0a5f9f Dec. 8, 2019, 8:18 a.m. No.7455657   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5756


It's a natural human process to consolidate archetypical stories into a single overarching super-ordinate principle.

The Pharisees essentially hijacked Christianity during the existence of Rome. They used it as a tool, yes, to consolidate power behind the new pharohs, the emperors of rome.


What you're explaining is the essence of the Adam and Eve story.

Evil (the snake) attacks child (the apple) which is symbolically represented as receiving the apple of knowledge (loss of investment, emotional and physical, in child).

This evil was the catalyst for the enlistment of man (sharing of the apple) to form the family unit.

The Cult (the snake) sees itself as the energizer, the thing to run from, for the focus of the people. It's pure evil, but they justify it.

That's the whole idea of the awakening. Being aware of the world from a high enough view that evil isn't needed to drive society development.

All we need is selfless help of one another, in service to the truth.


That's going to be a tumultuous transition, if not world ending.