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The Arya Vedas: Meaning of ‘Arya’ in Rig Veda- etymology: Indo-Aryan, sanskrit

It is well known that in Iranian (Aryan) languages airiia- / airya- had a clear ethnic meaning which is reflected in the modern name of the country Iran.


However, in Sanskrit, this word had a more general meaning: ‘a good worthy family man who respects the traditions of his country, who is a good housekeeper and duly performs the rites of yajña’:

This is how ārya is translated in the MW dictionary:

-(H1) ārya, a respectable or honourable or faithful man , an inhabitant of āryāvarta

-one who is faithful to the religion of his country

-N. of the race which immigrated from Central Asia into āryāvarta (opposed to an-ārya , dasyu , dāsa)

-a man highly esteemed , a respectable , honourable man Pan5cat. S3ak. &c


-behaving like an Aryan , worthy of one , honourable , respectable , noble R. Mn. S3ak. &c

-excellent, wise, suitable

(H1B) āryā ([cf. Old Germ. êra ; Mod. Germ. Ehre ; Irish Erin.])