Anonymous ID: 61ac41 Dec. 8, 2019, 8:09 a.m. No.7455604   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5657 >>5694


The Holy C was purchased back in the day.

Aside from that - part of the problem has always been the Pharisee. Monotheism was conducive to the goals of consolidating leadership under a single ruler from among clans/tribes. Tribal and family gods were replaced with a single, all-powerful god and the government in question was the will of that god. Worship and recognition of tribal gods was made heretical and seen as an act of rebellion against the state.


It's important to remember what Jesus was talking about when he delivered his woes unto the Pharisee. At that time, Judaism hadn't been formulated and the monotheism we know today was still in its infancy.


One could even go so far as to argue that Jesus was declaring the Pharisee to not even be of a proper blood line, though that is probably taking the argument a big too far - it is worth noting that the arabs we consider the jews today were not likely the descendants of Cain.


As for why this would control the clergy… Suppose you believed you were part of a higher entity and this entity was trapped, requiring certain actions to free? If you believed that you were a shard of Lucifer and that all of humanity could be reunited after a global war within that being… Then you might be willing to see the acts of sacrifice and war as lessons or necessary acts to make humanity whole.


People can get a bit weird when they start learning a bit too much of one side of the truth.


The church's population are planned sacrifices. Before one gets too bent out of shape over Cain being a murderer… One should remember he was a farmer and blacksmith. His brother, Abel, was the shepherd. What sacrifices do you believe each would have made to their god? If the clergy are shepherds …?


The good always outnumber the bad - but it is important to reflect on as you see the signs of the good struggling against the institutional policies of their order.

Anonymous ID: 61ac41 Dec. 8, 2019, 8:28 a.m. No.7455713   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Been a while, bootsanon.


I think the problem with organizing is the nature of the obstacle. Obviously, any large scale organization is going to have subversive agents infiltrate it. The other problem is that groups must necessarily start local, and there are a lot of variables that determine whether or not you are going to have to fight your local governments. Or who in them you will.


If it's time to toss aside the day job and go hunting for politicians, the time for when to do that is not always certain. While Missouri has a standing order of "fuck you" to federal gun laws, the picture isn't as clear if we end up with another bundy-style standoff and citizens have finally hit the point where they are tired of seeing officers 'do their job' right up our ass. If something like that begins to snowball, people who would very likely be firmly on our side if the feds ordered a gun seize are now not willing to back off from some kind of property fuckery.


That makes it nearly impossible to plan on a large scale as the very nature of the grievance extends into many local and even business practices. The whole nature of the conflict will be largely emergent when it happens and it doesn't lend well to preparation for much other than armed chaos that will quickly align behind regional factions/influences.