Anonymous ID: b7001d Dec. 8, 2019, 8:42 a.m. No.7455806   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5818 >>5820 >>5827 >>5829 >>5830 >>5832 >>5874 >>5881 >>5888 >>5914 >>5965



“5/5” AND “Y”


Reading “Red Rabbit”, a Tom Clancy book last night and came across this passage (pg 291, hard cover),


“5/5 meant that the estimated importance of the information available, as well as its presumed accuracy and the priority for his proposed action, was class-5, the highest”.


Got me think’in, so I started to dig. Came across this:


“Flash Override (Y): The National Command Authority (usually the President of the United States) has access to a FLASH OVERRIDE (FO) capability. FO is not a precedence, but instead represents the authority and means to override all other traffic, including FLASH precedence messages. In written message traffic, the proword 'Y' is used to indicate a message having the authority to override all other traffic and is usually assigned to Emergency Action Messages (EAM)


5:5 confirmed as “I read you 5:5”, i.e., clearly.

5:5 can now also mean a classification of Importance:Priority

(Y) has been confirmed to represent Y head, the Rothchild’s and their ilk.

(Y) can now also represent “Flash Override” usually used by the President.


I found Q post 963 which contains Stage_5:5[Y] (Pic related)


Just say’in…