Anonymous ID: e1b721 Dec. 8, 2019, 8:29 a.m. No.7455722   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>7453130 (PB)

We are halfway to being able to re-elect DJT without help from anybody. There has never been a larger voting bloc. Ever.


I wonder what that looks like internationally. Can the French get rid of Macron? How about the Canucks being able to shuck Trudeau? Germany Merkel? Brits forcing Brexit?


How about China? What are the numbers looking like for the Chinese? Hong Kong will require violence to retain … and lots of it. What about the mainland with its bank runs and reduced exports?


The bulk of the world may be catching up to where the US was in 1776 and the years afterward as power was claimed and exerted by ordinary people.