Anonymous ID: 1982cc Dec. 8, 2019, 12:02 p.m. No.7457023   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Q clearly calls out mossad (again)

>REEEEE division!

Holy fuck, imagine thinking this entire movement is solely to pander to a FOREIGN country when it's about RESTORING AMERICA.

MOSSAD has NO BUSINESS being intertwined with America.

Foreign countries have NO BUSINESS being placed over the values of America and Americans.

If people love Israel so much, feel free to move there.

Does POTUS give entire speeches for Canadian-Americans? No.

Does POTUS give entire speeches for European-Americans? No.

Does POTUS give entire speeches for Japanese-Americans? South Korean-Americans? Etc? No.

Does POTUS give entire speeches for Jewish-Americans? Yes.

That's because the OIL/GAS business runs the world and Israel is the strategic center of that business with BIG MONEY coming from Jewish Interests.

Exactly why his biggest donor Sheldon Adelson was sitting behind him last night as if he was the string puller.

>I learned all my tricks from this man (Sheldon Adelson) - DJT 12/7/19