Anonymous ID: 3b7db3 Dec. 8, 2019, 11:43 a.m. No.7456907   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7100 >>7161 >>7169


Muh prediction for IG report nothingburger.

>Anon 1


>Anon 2

Finds some obscure reference with a recognizable name….. BOOM I told you faggots. 3.14e -17 D chess. Gitmo!

>Anon 3

Guise the real shit will habben after the election when Potus will dickslap them with his 18 inch cock I touch muhself thinking about.

>Anon 4

That’s it Fuck this shit. Fuck you Q.

>Anon 5, 9,10

It’s the Jews

>Anon 6

Quit being pussies.

>Anon 7

Guise should I get water and food and dip to muh prepper cave?

>Anon 8

Posts some random Q post #

Anonymous ID: 3b7db3 Dec. 8, 2019, 12:34 p.m. No.7457233   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7514


Just link to my post pussy.

I’ve been here long enough to handle it.

You faggots created dis monster.

Besides I enjoy arguing with Potus.

He knows it.

Sometimes he’s right, (most often) sometimes I am.

He’ll never admit it tho.

Better than a room full of cheerleaders.


IF and I mean Laconic IF

there is anything in that report…

I’ll say damn, I was wrong.


But this is what I think it will look like and both sides will sperg out claiming it’s a win for them.

(pic related)