Anonymous ID: 3e68f1 Dec. 8, 2019, 12:49 p.m. No.7457347   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7378 >>7462

Tying some things together. No idea if related but posting here if anyone wants to/ can dig further.


eBot had some interesting posts in bread 9535 >>7455851 (last night)


Looking that location up on google maps gives us first pic related. Note where Santa Fe and Albuquerque (gold stars) are in relation to Trementina Ranch.


Now see next pic related from planefags last night tracking an entire squadron of C-130J's out of Texas. See the flight path and relate to the return leg which looks to be close to or near Trementina Ranch. Initial thought was Epstein's ranch. But it could be Trementina ranch instead.


Trementina Ranch is Church of Scientology. Has spoopy pics (see eBot bun in previous bread) along with eBot drops which some anons picked up on.


Might be nothing but we know about coincidences. When eBot starts making coherent drops in conjunction with an entire squadron of C-130s flight path associated with those drops then the tingles begin tingling.


Here's a copy/pasta from those buns but not in order:


Maybe L. Ron (Hubbard) raped boys at the juvenile detention facility by his Trementina gold record Bullshit with Epstein ranch down the road


As I understand it, the Scientology org was a useful middleman for cabal shenanigans.


  1. in 1986 GHB had full control over Reagan after the assassination attempt.


  1. The plan was to start the de-funding of NASA (to de-fund, one must "prove" that NASA isn't worth the money), with the money being funneled to the "war on drugs" slush scheme.


  1. the drugs were prepared via the Mediin cartel and flown to the US, with planes landing in the MN23 airstrip close to the Trementina Scientological facility.


  1. The drugs were stored in the underground facilities on the base.


  1. Epstein used the same stuff with human trafficking. "Storing" the victims in the scientology center, and smuggling them via the airstrip or by foot through the open border, with NXIVM being the possible couriers and middlemen.


According to the CST, an entity formed to manage the Church of Scientology's copyright affairs, the purpose of the base is to provide storage space for an archiving project to preserve Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard's writings, films and recordings for future generations. Hubbard's texts have been engraved on stainless steel tablets and encased in titanium capsules underground. The project began in the late 1980s.[1]


The Church of Scientology protects Hubbard’s writings with “extraordinary zeal.” Copies of Hubbard's text are preserved and hidden behind fences, in deep vaults, guarded by tight security. The underground compound “stands as a symbol of the timelessness of Hubbard’s texts and as a three-dimensional manifestation of the ‘purity of Hubbard’s legacy.”[2]


The base includes a number of dwellings and the archives themselves, the latter in a network of tunnels. The base also has its own private, concrete airstrip, the San Miguel Ranch Airport (NM53).


Zorro ranch and Trementina Scientologoy and springer "boys town" youths


All with in a quarter tank of fuel from each other.


"The church has several bases, but one of the most shadowy of locations is their Trementina Base which is said to contain the writings of Hubbard written on giant steel slabs, and underground tunnels and barracks."


According to a June 1992 Claims Court ruling CST had purchased the original site in 1986 for $250,976, then had invested millions in building an underground vault on the property


On January 28, 1986, the NASA Space Shuttle orbiter undertaking mission STS-51-L and the tenth flight of Space Shuttle Challenger (OV-099) broke apart 73 seconds into its flight,


The Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986 was a law of the War on Drugs passed by the U.S. Congress.


Not far from Epsteins…


Drone footage…