Anonymous ID: 67650c Dec. 8, 2019, 5:51 p.m. No.7459786   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Pelosi and cohorts on both sides of the aisle are not impeaching POTUS because they hate Trump. They seem to be impeaching him because they hate the 63 million Americans (and more every day) who elected him and support him. They also seem to hate our Constitutional Republic because it limits their ability to get ever richer and more powerful.


Their plan for crowning Queen Clinton was thwarted in 2016 and so the battle cry of Pelosi is "you can't trust the voters". So they do not want to be bothered representing "We the People" or adhering to the US Constitution? Pelosi seems to want to rule as a monarch herself, where the peasants shut up, obey and pay fealty to her and her greedy band of would be feudal lords. She seems to want to bring back the unfettered rule of Louis the XIV where she can host palace balls and the populace can starve.


Pelosi and her henchmen are not trying to protect the Constitution, they are tearing it to shreds. She seems to think We the People are stupid enough to let them get away with it. SHE IS VERY, VERY WRONG.


Maybe their lawyer Kaplan can tell them where to find a country with a monarchy they can try to take over. But not here. The USA is a Constitutional Republic and it is going to stay a Constitutional Republic. In this country if they want to be in government they need to remember Rule #1: they work by invitation of the voters, their constituents; the voters don't work for them. And we legitimate voters will be ever more vigilant about spotting and stopping election frauds.