Anonymous ID: 150aef Dec. 8, 2019, 6:05 p.m. No.7459908   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0245 >>0528

Former Aust. PM Bob Hawke’s 90th birthday marred by bitter family feud over public auction, rape claims


Today marks what would have been the 90th birthday of the late Bob Hawke — but the occasion is marred by a growing bitter family feud.


Today marks what would have been the 90th birthday of the late Bob Hawke — but the occasion is marred by a growing feud between members of his family.


Over the weekend, an explosive New Daily report revealed the former prime minister’s daughter, Rosslyn Dillon, claimed she was raped in the 1980s by a Labor MP and was asked by her father not to report it to police.


A feud between Mr Hawke’s daughter Roslyn Dillon, her son Paul Dillon and Mr Hawke’s widow Blanche d’Alpuget also surfaced, with legal documents showing a raft of discontent after Ms d’Alpuget offered family items at a public auction after his death.


It’s just the latest in a series of ongoing dramas that have plagued the Hawke family since his death in May this year — and both during and after his political career.




Over the weekend, The New Daily published a report claiming Ms Dillon had filed a $4 million claim against her father’s estate.


Ms Dillon made shocking claims in her affidavit saying she was assaulted three times by a Labor MP, and told her father she wanted to report the crimes to police.


The 59-year-old claims her father urged her to keep quiet to protect his prime ministerial ambitions.


In the 25-page affidavit, Ms Dillon alleges she told her father what happened and was “shocked and hurt” by his response.


“You can’t go to the police. You can’t. I can’t have any controversies right now. I am sorry but I am challenging for the leadership of the Labor Party,” he told her, according to The New Daily.


“He asked me to let the matter go for him and I did so for him,” Ms Dillon continues in the affidavit, adding, “I am still haunted by the sexual assaults.”


Ms Dillon’s sister, Sue Pieters-Hawke, told the publication the family had known of the allegations.


“I love and support my sister,” she said. “She did tell people at the time. I believe there was a supportive response but it didn’t involve using the legal system.”


Ms Dillon currently has net assets of $20,000, and receives welfare payments of under $500 a week. Among her requests to Ms d’Alpuget are a $2.5 million house in Sydney’s eastern suburbs and money for dental work.


Fiona Barnett accused Hawke of being a pedo

Anonymous ID: 150aef Dec. 8, 2019, 6:07 p.m. No.7459918   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Moscow to rearm ALL Arctic units with S-400s to create anti-missile DOME over Russian Arctic


All anti-aircraft regiment of Russia’s Northern Fleet will be equipped with state-of-the-art S-400 air defense systems in the next few years to create an anti-missile dome able to thwart any enemy incursion, the Russian Navy said.


Russian anti-aircraft missile forces and radio-technical troops stationed in the Artic are going through a comprehensive rearmament process, that sees Russia’s most advanced long-range air defense missile system being delivered to them, Vice Admiral Alexander Moiseev, the commander of Russia's Northern Fleet, said Sunday.


All Russian military units in the region are set to be equipped with S-400s “over the coming years," he noted. The build-up will protect the Russian part of the Artic with what Moiseev called “a de-facto anti-missile dome,” effectively impenetrable for any type of weaponry, including enemy aircraft, cruise and ballistic missiles.


Russia has been boosting its military presence in the Artic in recent years, building and repairing bases and airfields, as well as deploying its newest hardware and holding drills in response to increased military activity of the Western nations in the resource-rich region, that has gained on strategic importance due to its vast resources and geographic position.


The share of new technology and weaponry deployed with the Russian troops in the Artic currently amounts to about 60 percent, Moiseev said.


In September, Russia deployed S-400 air defense systems to the Yuzhny Island of the Novaya Zemlya archipelago in northern Russia, further expanding the airspace under its control.

Anonymous ID: 150aef Dec. 8, 2019, 6:08 p.m. No.7459928   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9943 >>9988 >>0006 >>0140 >>0245 >>0528

Netanyahu's new campaign pitch: 'I can move US public opinion' – analysis


The prime minister has been singing that tune to conferences around the country – and around the world – for years.


There was very little new or different in the first two-thirds of a longer-than-usual 37-minute speech Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delivered on Sunday to the Makor Rishon Economic Conference in Jerusalem.

He started by saying, predictably, that he wanted a unity government, and laying the blame for the failure to achieve one squarely on the shoulders of his political rivals: Benny Gantz, Yair Lapid and Avigdor Liberman. That was the political component of his speech.

Then he quickly moved into his achievements, and – as he has done so often in the past – he showed slides showing Israel’s impressive economic gains over the last decade. He repeated for the umpteenth time his doctrine that a free, deregulated economy is necessary to release the creative energies innate in the Israeli people. A strong economy, his doctrine goes, is a prerequisite for a strong military and intelligence apparatus, which is a key in building alliances that are necessary to thrive in this world.

The prime minister has been singing that tune to conferences around the country – and around the world – for years.

Sunday’s speech also rehashed his much-repeated argument since the eve of the September 17 election that he should remain prime minister because he could both negotiate a security pact with the US and get the Trump administration to recognize Israel’s sovereignty over the Jordan Valley.

But then, at the 25th minute, Netanyahu introduced a new motif that was as much a campaign pitch as a glimpse into how he views the way the world works.

“Keep me in power,” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said, though not in those exact words, “because only I can effectively mobilize US public opinion on behalf of Israel’s vital interests.”

Anonymous ID: 150aef Dec. 8, 2019, 6:09 p.m. No.7459940   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9952

Trump Boasts About Getting NATO Countries to Contribute $530 Billion More and US Less …And Fake News Mocked Him!


America has never had such a dishonest and hate-filled mainstream media as it does today.


As Sean Hannity says, “The media is dead.”


And, sadly, even many of the FOX News personalities have become intolerant Trump-bashers.


On Sunday President Trump pointed out how he was alone able to increase NATO contributions by $530 billion.

And he also pointed out how the unhinged and hateful media mocked him when he returned from the London meetings.


According to Tony Shaffer at Townhall — At the latest NATO summit in London this month, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg announced that the alliance is “making real progress” on burden-sharing, pointing out that Canada and the European allies have invested an additional $130 billion on defense since 2016, with the goal of increasing their defense spending by a combined $400 billion by 2024.

Anonymous ID: 150aef Dec. 8, 2019, 6:12 p.m. No.7459965   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Study Shows How Home Libraries Help to Develop Children’s Literacy And Math Skills


Books are the seat of all knowledge. We are aware of this. Bibliophiles or people who have grown up with books tend to be more intelligent. Or at least, they seem so. Well, now, it is no longer a conjecture that people who have lived off books or have born within them are intelligent.


A recent study called Scholarly culture: How books in adolescence enhance adult literacy, numeracy and technology skills in 31 societies led by Dr. Joanna Sikora of the Australian National University suggests the same. The study found out that children who grew up in households with 80 books or more had better skills with numbers and better overall literacy. A home library and a family which is pro-reading helps to develop these essential skills in a child.


The study found that the number of books on average in a household of the United States was about 114 which is quite a decent number. The study was conducted from 2011 to 2015 and it was conducted on 160,000 adults. Households that had 80 or more books were found to rear members who were much better in numeracy and literacy as well as skills of information communication technology (ICT). They become quite technologically skilled in schools, too, and almost like university graduates, as per the study. This skill increase was noticed among children who had come up from households with 80-350 books.


You might ask the question of digital books or digital library. The study bypasses that saying that it is still in a premature state. As of now, the study focuses on material books and also, suggests that it will remain so for a few years as a metric for the increase in ICT knowledge.

How Does A Home Library Assist?


According to the study, a pro-learning environment can help create a mindset that accepts more knowledge and makes a person even more curious. It helps in developing long-term cognitive skills. Reading also helps in creating routine and practices in the reader and therefore, develops more numerical and literacy skills.


As the study shows that university graduates who did not grow up with books have average skills, it suggests that adolescents growing up with books have a better crack at succeeding in math and other literacy tests, thereby getting an educational advantage.


So, if you are worried about how to give your child the best higher education, having books around can help them significantly. On the other hand, if you are trying to get your child to college, then books can make them more capable of getting the full benefit of this education and reach their full potential.

Anonymous ID: 150aef Dec. 8, 2019, 6:21 p.m. No.7460058   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Houthis’ Defense Minister Vows To Attack Israeli Military Targets


The defense minister of the Houthis’ National Salvation Government has vowed to attack Israeli land and naval targets in response to Tell Aviv’s alleged involvement in the Yemeni conflict.


In an interview with the al-Masirah newspaper, Gen. Mohamed Nasir al-Atifi claimed that Israel has been participating in the Saudi-led operations in Yemen “since day one.”


“The Yemeni military has a bank of military naval and land targets for the Israeli enemy, and we will not hesitate one second to destroy them if the decision is taken by the leadership,” Gen. al-Atifi said in the interview, that was published on December 8.


The defense minister went on to claim that the Yemeni military is developing its defense industry, promising to reveal advanced weapon systems soon.


Last summer, the Houthis carried out a series of attacks on Saudi Arabia using drones, ballistic missiles, precision-guided rockets and cruise missiles. Most of these advanced weapons are believed to be supplied by Iran.


Earlier this week, the U.S. Navy seized what it claimed to be a shipment of advanced Iranian missiles that was allegedly on its way to the Houthis in Yemen.


It remains unclear if the Houthis have means needed to attack targets in Israel, which is located more than 1,700 km away from the Yemen. However, in the last two years, the Yemeni group delivered strikes on several targets deep inside Saudi Arabia and even in the UAE.

Anonymous ID: 150aef Dec. 8, 2019, 6:32 p.m. No.7460139   🗄️.is 🔗kun

White Island volcano eruption: Plumes of smoke, reports of injuries in Bay of Plenty


A rescue operation is under way after an eruption on Whakaari/White Island.


There are fears for people who were on the island at the time of the eruption, with images from the White Island Crater Rim camera appearing to show people at 2.10pm.


The explosions happened shortly after that.


St John told Newstalk ZB they have reports of up to 20 people injured after the island in Bay of Plenty erupted, sending massive plumes of steam and debris into the air.


The TECT Rescue Helicopter is currently on its way to White Island. Two Auckland Westpac Rescue Helicopters are also said to be on their way to White Island.


Other rescue helicopters have not been dispatched at this stage.


A police spokesperson told SunLive that officers are responding to the incident.


"We don't have any further information at this stage."


Dan Harvey was out fishing with some friends 40km/h away from the island when he saw dark smoke erupting from it before 2.15pm.


"I looked over and saw a burst of steam coming up. There was nothing above the island at that time. It was just clear blue sky. It was unusual to see it go from nothing to steam erupting out of it.


"It was almost like a mushroom cloud … the steam was expanding and getting bigger.


"I knew it was odd because there was nothing above it. Often it's doing this small continuous release of steam. But it wasn't doing anything then all of a sudden this massive amount of cloud comes out."


Harvey said it's still erupting steam but it was nothing like it was when it first erupted.


He added that it happened so quickly and fast that if there were anyone on the island it wouldn't be good.

Anonymous ID: 150aef Dec. 8, 2019, 6:36 p.m. No.7460177   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0366


>rehash previously connected and discussed issues


Been noticing for days, also re-diggs of previous heavily researched topics


as long as baker is on the ball this shit won't hit notes so shouldn't fly to far!

Anonymous ID: 150aef Dec. 8, 2019, 6:40 p.m. No.7460213   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0258

Ex-FBI lawyer Lisa Page’s Jeffery Epstein connection


So disgraced former FBI lawyer Lisa Page has found her voice in a Daily Beast interview published Sunday night.


Page and her boyfriend FBI agent Peter Strzok exchanged hundreds of anti-Trump text messages while investigating the Russian Dossier. Both of them were fired for their biases.


“I had stayed quiet for years hoping it would fade away, but instead it got worse,” Page said. “It had been so hard not to defend myself, to let people who hate me control the narrative. I decided to take my power back,” Page added.


She then went on to professed that she did nothing wrong during her tenure of investigating the Trump campaign. Next week we will get DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s report on FISA abuse and the FBI’s role.


For my regular readers you may recall how I wrote about Page and Strzok working together many years ago with Jeffery Epstein’s benefactor Les Wexner, owner of L Brands.


The first strange connection between [Jeffery] Epstein and the Trump Russian hoax deals are with FBI’s Peter Strzok and Lisa Page. While Strzok and Page were with the CIA (yes these two jump back and forth between the two intelligence agencies depending on the assignment) they worked for Epstein’s financial backer Les Wexner.


Wexner owned an outfit called Mission Essentials, which was a CIA-backed global translation services company. Both Strzok and Page speak Farsi. ABC News’ Brian Ross reported on much of the this in 2010.


Page reportedly was stationed in the New Albany, OH main office bringing in Afghanistan “translators” traveling under diplomatic passports, which some federal agents suggest was merely drug mules for opium. Many of the translators could not speak English.


Strzok allegedly worked in the Chantilly, VA office of Mission Essentials working the other silk road countries in the Middle East to find “translators/mules” to bring in the drugs.


Not sure if this will come out in the Horowitz report. But I believe this is an important point in the story.