Anonymous ID: 621ae7 Dec. 8, 2019, 6:01 p.m. No.7459881   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9913 >>9969 >>9980

>>7459828 (Previous Bread)

But you are considering that mentality from the position and knowledge of an anon, can't do that in this particular case because the knowledge of an anon (a real anon that is) is considerably higher than that of a normal run of the mill citizen on such issues. You (anons) know what they know but it has taken a long time to fully understand and embrace said knowledge in the face of massive opposition to even get the data let alone discuss it.


Point being, they have to begin to (at the very least) condition the greater public on the facts and that takes much more time than a small window and considering we are a year out, it must begin now, has to. That is likely why I believe the release tomorrow will begin a string of major offenses by the POTUS and Qteam which will be fully aimed at disclosure to ready the public. I speculate that we are about to see a massive increase in data over the next week while the opposition begins to (literally) seperate themselves from the country (ie: Jack is moving to Africa tomorrow). Every single thing from then on will be data pushes by the POTUS versus players who will not even be in the country any longer while, at the same time, we see a major pick up in false flags being coordinated by the opponents who will likely be out of country thus leading to an increase in black ops.

Anonymous ID: 621ae7 Dec. 8, 2019, 6:24 p.m. No.7460074   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0245 >>0448 >>0449 >>0528


Yeah for those needing an article link to it (there have been many). This continues the trend of China matching every single move made by the US in terms of economically and most definitely militarily. For example China has matched our positions on military bases in Africa, the Caribbean, etc. They put up an "observatory" in South America directly after we did and the list goes on and on.


This situation here tells me that (speculation) the percentage that those NATO countries are being forced to give the US were, in the past, funneled over to China and since they had to cough up those percentages to the US the world bank was forced to step in and make up the difference thus the immediate exchange in funds directly after the POTUS secured the NATO funds.


In plain basic: China is using NATO and EU tax payer funded money to wage a war on the west (in many ways) and the World Bank had to assure they were funded to do so when they lost their previous funding.

Anonymous ID: 621ae7 Dec. 8, 2019, 6:32 p.m. No.7460149   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0177 >>0182 >>0201 >>0212 >>0289 >>0325 >>0366 >>0384

For newfags and, if you haven't yet realized it - usual fellow night shift anons, there is clearly a concentrated effort today by shills to rehash previously connected and discussed issues. For example, the Keystone, "MOS" meaning, Kate the assassin, etc.


This should be a clear sign to you that they are pulling the good ole' "let's change history because we know there will be a large amount of new newfags coming to the site very soon". This is based on the recent articles, the discussions of late on social media across the board, and of course the incoming data releases.


It always cracks me up how the shills think their normal baloney can work on night shift when they are dealing with some of the most intelligent human beings on the planet that are very well aware of every single one of their ploys, narrative shifts, methods, and so on. There is, quite literally, nothing they do that does not automaticaly expose them by their own actions. This isn't anything new though as all night shifters are undoubtedly knowledge about what I am going over. However, I just want to point out what I myself have been noticing over the last few hours and that is said concentrated effort to redefine and call into question specific aspects of our research which they will then shift narratives on by their handlers.


Easy to call out, even easier to spot, so we can expect a heavy diet of that shit tonight/next few nights along with the constant push to focus us on moss covered tits that they will throw out and pretend like they own said set of moss covered tits to defocus anons… since they truly believe us to be sex craved douchebags who have never fucked a woman in our lives.

Anonymous ID: 621ae7 Dec. 8, 2019, 6:44 p.m. No.7460249   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yeah it has been fairly consistent as well and spread around many previously covered/figured out topics. So there is no doubt this is coordinated and the only logical conclusion is an attempt to muddy the waters for new arrivals.


New arrivals would simply ask the question. Shills on the other hand would randomly bring it up and muddy it with "new theories". It's all so obvious. Then again, what can we expect from people being paid to write a premade script narrative on a computer. I mean those people (shills) legitimately have to be some of the most useless human beings on the planet to have such a position. That is basically a rung even below secretary which only a literal functioning retard would qualify for and want to do with their lives. That is why it is so humorous when a shill breaks rank and goes berserk as they do not even have the capability to form a complete sentence let alone respond to something elementary in nature. They are, without a doubt, the most moronic and useless lumps of biodegradable masses of shit on the planet to only qualify for such a position. I mean, we're talking Dark Ages intelligence level here, they do not even qualify as NPC as NPC's may have even a sliver of intelligence but these dingleberries cannot even write a sentence that isn't premade.

Anonymous ID: 621ae7 Dec. 8, 2019, 6:48 p.m. No.7460294   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Oh no…. a person threatening to post repeatedly on a website. Whatever can we do… if only we could filter said useless individual… Oh wait…

Anonymous ID: 621ae7 Dec. 8, 2019, 6:54 p.m. No.7460334   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0343


There is nothing notable about this or any of the other attempts to narrative shift the Keystone discussion which has long been discussed. Written opinion on an issue/any issue may be notable but only when it is based in logic and accompanied by supporting data. Very few times have we seen notables without those things and those notables were typically always centered around other things such as warnings, real life events, thanks, etc.

Anonymous ID: 621ae7 Dec. 8, 2019, 6:57 p.m. No.7460355   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Nope, no it's not and, before you pretend to matter to the scheme of the world, know this. The Baker is clearly not going to add it, you are clearly not going to convince anyone, and you are wasting your time in totality. So you may wish to ask your handler for a new mandate to work on as this one, you have literally no chance getting it through, none. You can whine, cry, try to act important, threaten, fart, pretend, do whatever you wish, it won't matter.

Anonymous ID: 621ae7 Dec. 8, 2019, 7:02 p.m. No.7460396   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0413


That is fine, I get it, tits do have a biological effect and especially so on you young bucks looking for your place in the world and your future lady. We (men) have all been there so no need to apologize. Confidence anon, confidence. Never apologize for something you didn't do wrong on.

Anonymous ID: 621ae7 Dec. 8, 2019, 7:08 p.m. No.7460453   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Nice try pal. Considering I have offered up data (in this bread alone) that has been notable along with it's global effect meaning I think you may wish a different angle when trying to diminsh me as anyone with even half a brain can look at post history and see it for what it is.


However, I must admit I love it when you nimrods go down this method attempt as it immediately shows the who is who on your partners working with you in unison by their immediate agreement with your statement.


You see, the one thing you have no control over and power is how to effectively counter logical and factual responses leaving you only two options.


1) Continue trying to make it stick while ignoring said response which exposes you.


2) Moving on and ignoring it which exposes you.


So there is, again quite literally, nothing you can do as all your methods are well known, have been discussed many times over, and, frankly, you and your handlers are simply not intelligent enough to spar with night shift anons. You just aren't. You are akin to a turd in terms of intelligence and have no understanding of even how to critically think let alone write it out. But keep on trying my man because I can assure you that not a single thing you write will effect me in the slightest and I have a whole lot of fun making you look stupid. Usually you idiots have left me be since you realize it is a losing battle so you must be new to that specific group. Ah well, you will learn much like the other useless types I have chewed up and spit out from your enclave of depravity.

Anonymous ID: 621ae7 Dec. 8, 2019, 7:09 p.m. No.7460462   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Very big following indeed. I notice him on normie accounts often. Surprisingly even liberal related accounts so he is definitely spreading with the normies.

Anonymous ID: 621ae7 Dec. 8, 2019, 7:20 p.m. No.7460543   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This is a prime example as to how utterly stupid they truly are. This is what happens when they are forced to try to explain something. As stated earlier, the shills are legitimately the most braindead and useless human beings on the planet without having even a low level understanding of how to explain anything let alone do so in a logical and convincing manner.


However, take note of how they wrote this, pay careful attention to the exact phrases, accusations, and specifically words used. Notice anything? Yep, liberal playbook 101. The exact same rhetoric they use to indoctrinate fellow dingdongs into liberalism or, as they call it now, progressive belief. Always somebodies elses fault while not having the ability to explain why. Classic Zionism post right there.

Anonymous ID: 621ae7 Dec. 8, 2019, 7:24 p.m. No.7460594   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Anons & Baker. Want to see something funny? Watch this.



Please explain why this should be notable in your own words and how it relates to Q related discussion. Go ahead, dazzle us all with your knowledge since you clearly find this important.


For that matter, any of you two people who are IP shifting to try to push this. This is your chance, explain its importance. If you don't then we all will have confirmation of what you are doing so I have trapped you on this now. So either do it and face the music on how stupid you look… OR…. move on to your new narrative since every single real anon from this point forward will ask why you can't explain it.