Anonymous ID: 6c5231 Dec. 8, 2019, 6:41 p.m. No.7460232   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0264


Archiving is currently a pain in the ass because of the new cookie requirement for HTTP requests. I've found a semi-manual workaround by getting the cookie string from Firefox via Shift-F9 and going to the 'Storage' tab. Then put that into the wget command like:

–header "Cookie: VanwaNetDDoSMitigation=bc03ea4c708097c841e49d6afdd1bab1"

(not my real cookie) I also have to save the html manually with Firefox instead of just feeding my script a list of URLs. Here is what I'm working with. You might be able to use it as a starting point:

#!/bin/sh#html_dir=original_htmlhtml_dir=new_breads#bread_list=bread_url_list.txtbread_list=new_breads.txtcookie=bc03ea4c708097b841e99d6a3dd14abdmkdir -p $html_dir### DISABLED FOR NOW, NEED TO FIND ddos MIDIGATION WORKAROUND## Download each bread#sed s/" "//g $bread_list | sed s/.*$// html_list.tmp#wget --no-clobber --directory-prefix=$html_dir -i html_list.tmp $cookie#rm html_list.tmp##append new list to end of old list#cp bread_url_list.txt .bread_url_list.txt#cat .bread_url_list.txt new_breads.txt > bread_url_list.txt#echo "" > new_breads.txt#generate image URL listsrm -f urls.tmpfor line in $(find $html_dir/ -type f | grep ".html"); do echo Processing $line cat $line | tr -d '\000' | sed s/">"/">\n"/g | grep file_store | grep 'src=\|href=' | sed s/'^.src="//'' | \ sed s/'^.*href="// | sed s/'"'.*$// | sed s/"\/player.php?v="// | sed s/"\&.*$"//'' | sed s/"\/\/"/"https:\/\/"/g >> urls.tmpdoneecho Sorting..grep thumb < urls.tmp | sort -u > thumb_url.tmpgrep -v thumb < urls.tmp | sort -u > image_url.tmprm urls.tmp#delete bad fileS that may have been sent by the server on previous runs (ddos midigation shit)rm -v $(find file_store/ -size 1094c)#pull down new image filesmkdir -p file_storemkdir -p file_store/thumbwget --header "Cookie: VanwaNetDDoSMitigation=$cookie" --no-clobber --directory-prefix=./file_store -i image_url.tmpwget --header "Cookie: VanwaNetDDoSMitigation=$cookie" --no-clobber --directory-prefix=./file_store/thumb -i thumb_url.tmprm image_url.tmprm thumb_url.tmp#move new htmls to the archivemv new_breads/ original_html/

Anonymous ID: 6c5231 Dec. 8, 2019, 6:46 p.m. No.7460264   🗄️.is 🔗kun


And I forgot to mention that that cookie changes at the top of the hour. Then the server starts giving you little html blobs instead of the requested image files.

Anonymous ID: 6c5231 Dec. 8, 2019, 6:53 p.m. No.7460321   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0357


>baker is a shill because of a pineal gland q decode?

No, just a little gullible. Go back and read Q's drop containing "keystone". It cannot possibly be anything related to pineal or pituitary glands. This is shill shit.