Anonymous ID: 99c7bf Dec. 8, 2019, 7 p.m. No.7460384   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0397 >>0399 >>0401 >>0405 >>0453 >>0508


Dear newfags, this is a shill.


I can't lay my hands on it this instant, but there's a drop where Q reminds us that shills try to halt our research by insisting something is entirely solved and put to bed. In truth, almost everything Q says has multiple meanings, so nothing is ever put to bed. When a term's meaning has been "solved," its next solution lies in wait to be discovered. And so on. This doesn't mean that the original solution is refuted. The original solution still stands. But another solution using a newly discovered meaning builds on the former solution.

Ex. 1

MOS = Mossad

MOS = Media Object Server

MOS = [what next?]


There is more than one meaning of "keystone" as well. Ultimately, we will find the ULTIMATE keystone and unlock the ultimate truth.


Only shills want us to stop digging.

Anonymous ID: 99c7bf Dec. 8, 2019, 7:05 p.m. No.7460418   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I bet they do. I bet they celebrate this control over us by using the MOS moniker for both. They never thought we would find out, so they blatantly project their symbols all over the world. MOS may well control the MOS network of media servers - I personally think they do too. Personally.