Anonymous ID: fc196e Dec. 8, 2019, 6:03 p.m. No.7459889   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9915 >>9951 >>0094 >>0111 >>0241 >>0269 >>0313 >>0322 >>0337 >>0348 >>0403 >>0404 >>0414 >>0458

I have been holding this thought for awhile now, but have felt compelled

today to send it along…with all the research I have been doing lately,

and the powers that belong to us as angelic beings, I believe the below

is the answer to the "keystone" questions of Q.


The Keystone from Q posts


11-09-17 #128 "Find the keystone.


11-11-17 #133 "Eye of Providence."

"Follow the bloodlines."

"What is the keystone?"


#140 "What is the keystone?"

"The Great Awakening."


11-20-17 #167 "POTUS opened the door of all doors."

"Expand your thinking."

"What is the keystone?"


12-04-17 #251 "Find the keystone"


#262 "Expand your thinking."

"Find the keystone"

"What holds everything together?"


12-05-19 #270 "Apply the Keystone."


12-20-18. #2633 "You have the keystone."


The Sphenoid Bone of the inner skull area, resembles

a butterfly from one side, houses the Pituitary gland,

while the Pineal gland is positioned nearby in the

center of the skull.


And, just like the "keystone" in architecture, it

"holds everything together" in an archway,

so does the sphenoid bone in the skull.