Anonymous ID: 4e1d2c Dec. 8, 2019, 7:52 p.m. No.7460848   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0858 >>0859 >>0864 >>0867 >>0880 >>0912 >>0995 >>1086 >>1090

and now for some brief humor…


types of shills to watch out for:


nightshift shill: "nightshift best shift, i'm not a divisionfag, I SWEAR"

newfag shill: "check out this red text… crap, why didn't it work?"

anti-baker shill: see 'retard' shill

math shill: "3,6,9, the monkey drank wine, check out this circle with numerology in it"

pelican shill: "this is the fake Q!!!"

out-of-the-loop shill: "Guize, I haven't been here in like 80 days, my internets stopped working lol. Whats New?? Any new Q posts?!"

diversion-promoting shill: "have we figured out who went P yet?"

diversion-demoting shill: "don't worry, tomorrow is a dud, trust me bud"

appeal to authority shill: "i was there!!!"

conspiracy shill: "the earth is flat, think about it, how else could a plane fly… its in a plane!!!"

history shill: "but the keystone is on top, so… clearly, its a stone atop a key?!?"

nazi shill: "everyone is a jew!"

jew shill: "everyone is anti-jew!"

doubt shill: "why doesn't Q mention the time machine?!"

concern shill: "What if Q doesn't come back?"

captcha shill: "anons what did I win? :D"

retard shill: "for the fifth time, this guy is a shill, why isn't he banned? hello? BV why are you not banning whoever I don't like? hello? BO? are you comped? seriously? this place is comped!"

(you) shill: see 'kek' shill

fag shill: "random picture, random text"

spooky shill: "dark picture, extra random text"

rotton shill: "i see dead people"

repeat shill: "same picture, no text"

yelling shill: "OMG DID YOU HEAR ABOUT…"

reddit shill: "how do i upvote in here!!?? what do you mean spaces??"

larp shill: "Hay GAIS im Q!!!"

twitter shill: "check out this guy on twitter, he must know something!!!"

scared shill: "someone at my work noticed that I breath, i'm convinced they know I visit the chans!!! my life in danger!!!!"

board shitting shill: "we don't sell ads"

warning shill: "they found me, i don't have much time, but I have to warn you!"

gay shill: "here is a picture of a dude"

hot shill: "here's looking at you baker"

girl shill: "i'm a girl"

response shill: "tits or GTFO"

sexy shill: "TYB… with my tits"

kek shill: "kek, i'll make a post about shills… shit!"


kek… shit!