Anonymous ID: acb74b Dec. 8, 2019, 7:37 p.m. No.7460704   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0734


I personally don't care and never have cared about the push to blame an entire group. In fact I have always defended against that very thing. That said, there is nothing Nazi with calling out the Israeli connection of being in control of western media, Hollywood, the porn industry, and other very crucial facets of society.


Now normally I wouldn't mind if one such group were in such positions as long as they were standing in an America first standard but the problem we are seeing is anything but that which forces (at least) me to conclude that America is not the priority and that forces me to ask what is the priority.


I have actually always been (highly) respectful of Israel and now that I think about it this may be the first time I have ever even posted about it (ever) but the fact remains that there are glaring issues in relation to connections to a foreign power and those connections have clearly shaped American policy, media production and on and on. It would be foolish of anyone to overlook this and I would actually love a chance to rationally discuss this with someone who is connected to Israel but that will never happen.


But bottom line there is nothing anti semetic or Nazi related by bringing these facts up, nothing at all, but for some reason that appears to be their means to silence all discussion about the issue instead of simply discussing it with whomever brings it up. It's ridiculous and really hurts them more than it helps them in my opinion as it appears to really be pushing a large amount of previously supportive American types away as they begin to notice it.


I just will never understand why someone, anyone, would not want to discuss such things unless they want to keep it hidden and that right there is something that appears to be growing among normie types (from what I have seen at least). Put it this way, I am pretty much the last person to ever give a shit what happens in a foreign country as I bleed red, white, and blue and while I hope the best for foreign countries, especially our allies, I only have America at heart. I bring this up because Israel has never been at the forefront of my mind and while I hoped the best for them, I figured they could handle their own business. Now though, now I literally am beginning to question their role in America's situation and if I, a person who never even bothers with such things, begins to question it, then I am positive it is becoming more widespread than they would ever want. So again, why they never wish to rationally discuss it is truly beyond me as this is the best time to do it, but they never do.

Anonymous ID: acb74b Dec. 8, 2019, 7:51 p.m. No.7460851   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0944


See what I meant though, all an anon ever has to do when they push these outrageous things is simply ask them to explain it. They never can, ever. Notice that they stopped trying to push it now? Yep, they are now forced to regroup and come up with a new narrative since their narrative push for tonight was shattered. That is all anons ever have to do, force them to explain it because they simply do not have the intelligence to do so, shrink under the pressure, and then they ditch that narrative attempt because they know all anons have to do is bring it up, again and again, why they can't explain it.


Then again, night shift has long known all their methods and has long known how to deal with them so this is likely nothing new to night shift vets.

Anonymous ID: acb74b Dec. 8, 2019, 8:24 p.m. No.7461109   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1130 >>1139 >>1234 >>1315




This is definitely notable given that there specifically name the Mayors asking for more refugees into their towns. This is important as it must be shown to normies from those specific areas and spread around. I am positive that citizens from those towns both do not even know about this happening behind their back and/or support it coming to their town.


This is a huge opportunity to really expose those in control of those areas for what they truly are. So this absolutely needs to be notable. Along with what previous anon posted, here is the Mayor list so anons do not have to dig for it.