Anonymous ID: 61a4b4 Dec. 8, 2019, 9:48 p.m. No.7461581   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1588 >>1615 >>1654


this 'anon' does not like it when clowns are called out and made visible for the many new eyes on QR.

i wonder why…


other posts by same ID:


<don´t call out clowns, just drop something else


<replies to reply to obvious clown


<please don´t filter clowns, otherwise, how the fuck would they be able to subvert?


<don´t call out clown BO


<please don´t filter clowns! might be very helpful 'info'!


<posting unrelated bs to make Q look stupid


the more you know.

Anonymous ID: 61a4b4 Dec. 8, 2019, 10:16 p.m. No.7461678   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1682


you just go on?

you say "fren", claiming to be an anon, even after I showed your other posts, all of them with clown topics?

do you newshill just go on with your ID even after being exposed?

clowns won´t change a thing, and you seem to be not nearly skilled onough to even come here.

free yourself, before the cult goes down.

(Q wil have got your back - let them know you want out.)

Anonymous ID: 61a4b4 Dec. 8, 2019, 10:22 p.m. No.7461708   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1770


Clown [49c5c7], you say "thanks for playing" after [you] started that slide?? seriously?


>>7461646 slide start


>>7461660 anon called it slide




>That was quick.

>Thanks for playing!




you just go on shitposting as I still you would be taken seriously?



WTF. You should not be here. Free yourself. Q will have got your back.


2 Chronicles 30:9b

For the Lord your God is gracious and compassionate. He will not turn his face from you if you return to him.

Anonymous ID: 61a4b4 Dec. 8, 2019, 10:31 p.m. No.7461746   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1753 >>1754 >>1758


don´t you even dare to link the post you replied to so anon might maybe not see it and wont destroy your bs argument again?



this is a slow bread and anons are not stupid.


Q said what [P] stands for.


It´s the Payseur family that owned HUGE parts of US industry, railroad, banking a century ago.

Obviously Pharma Industry is only a tiny part of all the assets those evil fucks used as tools for many years.


seriously, how can you clowns even think that this week deflection would stop the truth from getting out?

Anonymous ID: 61a4b4 Dec. 8, 2019, 10:36 p.m. No.7461766   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1771


so you attack me bc I called out a clown?



see this ID´s other post.



be careful and always use logic.

clowns try to blend in and even give legit info, only to later back up other clowns or shill on some topic.


see the many post that are obviously nto what Q stannds for and that are obviously not helpful research ON A Q RESEARCH BOARD.