Anonymous ID: 63082c Dec. 8, 2019, 9:14 p.m. No.7461381   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Newsweek reporter resigns after accusing outlet of SUPPRESSING story about OPCW leak that undermines Syria ‘gas attack’ narrative


In a series of follow-up tweets, the former Newsweek journalist said that he had “collected evidence of how they suppressed the story,” adding that he also had evidence that the outlet had cut material, in a separate incident, because the information was “inconvenient to the US government” – even though it was factually correct.

Anonymous ID: 63082c Dec. 8, 2019, 10:56 p.m. No.7461874   🗄️.is 🔗kun

"But all we could agree upon is avoiding some kind of incident between our aviation and the aviation of the coalition.”

Anonymous ID: 63082c Dec. 8, 2019, 11:12 p.m. No.7461924   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Some 46 percent of military households see Russia as an “ally,” while 28 percent of all American households share that belief. China has overtaken Russia as America’s next top enemy, according to the survey.