Anonymous ID: 66f5f1 Dec. 8, 2019, 10:45 p.m. No.7461819   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Smocking - Urban Dictionary (top definition)


Word used by President Trump in TWO tweets, a total of THREE times. In each case referring slyly to John 'skippy' Podesta, who in addition to all his pizzagate involvement and the McCann conspiracy, enjoys socially painting his body for sexual gratification. This ladies and gentlemen was Hillarys campaign manager, and was going to be the next Sec. of State. This party is at the Standard hotel. You'll be hearing about this place, human trafficking and the traitor Schiff soon. But some people think Billionaire, West point grad, President of the USA, Donald Trump can't spell a two syllable word.

John Podesta is a murdering, spirit cooking, pedophile who paints his body for sexual gratification at perverse parties, that the President factually called out as 'Smocking'.


Smocking is body painting for sexual gratification.


While the majority of body painting is done for artistic reasons, smockers belong to the subgroup that's just interested in getting their kicks. Normally either a negative or playful context, smockers aren't generally considered artists.