Anonymous ID: 7c8c3f Dec. 8, 2019, 10:12 p.m. No.7461667   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1676

THE MYSTERY OF TWEETS STARTING WITH A PERIOD - How to find messages in Q Post pictures?


Today we had 2 POTUS tweets starting with a single period at:

11:50:13 AM



“The Democrats are now admitting that they can’t prove a crime, they can’t prove a law was violated, and here’s why. Any president, any administration, is justified in investigating corruption, and there was serious evidence of real corruption concerning Hunter….



06:20:31 PM


.CNN is a ratings disaster. Lost all credibility!



1) You think this is just a TYPO? Well there have been around 120 occurrences starting with a single period in 2019 alone!

And (from browsing the 2019 ones)… ALL but the ".CNN" one today start ".@"!!


So, I think today we are being told this means something!

(BTW - in 2019 about 120 tweets start with ".@" compared to about 125 starting "@" - so this looks deliberate rather than just a tweeting language standard.


2) ASCII codes for "." and "@" are 46 and 64.

This means that all the posts with ".@" start with a MIRROR of 46:64!

The 64 could point to base-64!


3) We have a lot of Q post pictures with 64 character filenames…

a) It has been debated that these may hold hidden PIXELKNOT steganography messages… but we need the KEY to unlock and read them!


4) WHAT IF… the Tweet IDs of those Tweets starting with .@ are the KEY to the PIXELKNOT messages?


a) A period looks like a STONE; so a period providing the KEY gives us KEY+STONE!


b) Look again at the tweet starting .@ … this a symbol of the (KEY)STONE next to the @ keyhole!


5) The number of tweets starting ".@" is about the same number as Q post picture filenames in hexadecimal or base-64!


Anyone any good at Steganography want to try the tweet IDs as KEYS?

"The choice to know will be yours!"

I'd guess that there will be some commonality on date/timestamp to match tweet to Q post picture…