RE ID: 948935 Dec. 8, 2019, 10:42 p.m. No.7461803   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1813 >>1818 >>1839 >>1913 >>1956

I've been here from the start, been ridiculed, argued endlessly with people over this movement. Went back and forth on my beliefs countless times. Been excited and demoralized.


Let me just state it here tonight on the eve of the supposed START;


If this report does not hit hard, and there are no arrests within the next 30 days after the report, I am off the train. I can no longer support Trump or Q and will shed my belief that this is a benevolent psyop. I can finally say then, that we have all been had, and I will sever ties with the movement.

I will be called impatient or a shill or whatever for this post. I just wanted to make it known, this is the hill I'm dying on, so it better be released, and it better hit hard.

Please don't let us down.