Anonymous ID: c313d0 Dec. 8, 2019, 9:26 p.m. No.7461457   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1672

I find a lot of the "anti-Q" people on twitter to be suspicious. They promote all/mostly the right things, awake to JQ, up on all the standard conspiracies, but they're almost too anti-Q.


Thoughts of this general class of people sincerely feeling Q is a reverse-double PSYOP within a PSYOP being used to make us all complacent (a theory I've always found totally reasonable) or are they controlled opposition working with/for Q in an "all press is good press" type of mission that knows awareness has to be accomplished from multiple angles? I KNOW I'm witnessing that from "looks like" leftist accounts which have earned the trust/loyalty of their followers and will gradually turn the ship when the time is right.