Anonymous ID: 000000 Dec. 9, 2019, 1:19 a.m. No.7462209   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2212 >>2390 >>2518 >>2593 >>2797

eruption white island nz


National Emergency Management Agency


. @geonet have provided an updated Volcanic Alert Bulletin stating ash falls appear to be confined to #WhiteIsland and they do not expect more than a minor amount of ash to reach East Cape in the coming hours. …

Anonymous ID: 000000 Dec. 9, 2019, 2:55 a.m. No.7462324   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2356


>maybe first try to understand vibration and frequency,


Did you say that while looking into a mirror?



>one can only be born in a higher-vibration life.


Pure. Fucking. Nonsense.



so wait for the next lifetime.


Big mistake.



>going out of phase in this lifetime will def. kill you.


More nonsense. Non-locality, yes. Death, no. Only when the Silver Cord is severed.


Who dafuq taught you this bullshit?

Anonymous ID: 000000 Dec. 9, 2019, 3:06 a.m. No.7462338   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2354





Have guys seen the dashcam video/still photo that surfaced about a week after Kappy's death? It was recorded by a passer-by, minutes prior to his death. He was sitting by himself, backwards on the "guard rail". Looks like he went off the bridge like a scuba diver enters the water off of a boat.


Can't drop the still pic because of TOR, but I am sure someone else has to have a copy of it. As far as "who" Kappy let down, etc., I've still never heard a good explanation. And as far as the vids of the 5 year old "temple water girls"…


Kappy could have done more to explain it.

Anonymous ID: 000000 Dec. 9, 2019, 3:29 a.m. No.7462383   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2647


Well shit, that didn't take long. Got stuck in captcha longer than it took me to find it. I don't know who this guy is, and I picked the vid based on the description. But I did scrub the timeline, and found a still of Kappy sitting (as I initially described), backwards on the guard rail. At the 10:40 mark:


I will try to embed. Sometimes it works, sometimes, not so much. But the link above works just fine.

Anonymous ID: 000000 Dec. 9, 2019, 3:32 a.m. No.7462387   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2389


>I have a feeling we're all going to be learning more about the Golden Ratio though.


I've been aware (of), and studying Phi for over three decades. If you have a question, maybe I can help.

Anonymous ID: 000000 Dec. 9, 2019, 4:02 a.m. No.7462453   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2457

Captcha pergatory again. Damn. A few of those weren't even numbers.



>So hope you lurk here once in a while.


I check throughout the day, and monitor/lurk throughout the "swing" shift. But I am usually here on the Night Shift. I don't bother to participate unless the subject is good. Like this one, concerning the Numbers of Creation.



>Ok, how big a role do square root functions play in the Golden Ratio / Fibonacci sequence?


The better question is to ask how Phi, along with Pi, govern all of Creation, along with Root 2, Root 3, and Root 5 geometries. Think about that. All of Creation is based on Irrational Numbers that run off into Infinity. Kinda like Chaos Theory. You know, the Freemasons STOLE their motto, "Ordo Ab Chao".


All of our Reality is based upon Irrational, Infinite Numbers, not un-similar to how the Mandelbrot Set forms Self-Symmetry from the Chaos numbers that run off into Infinity as well.


Perfect Order from what appears to be complete Chaos. The Freemasons stole their motto from the Creator.



>Is 5:5 an expression of a ratio? Or just dimensions of one of the squares?


It's just the ever expanding Grid. Grids of Consciousness, viz., Newton's Divina Proportiona (Man, inside the Circle, inside the Square), as compared to the Vitruvian Man.


Q knows about these Grids. That is why he brought us together. It's not just a "Hive Mind" thing. Rather, it is Self-Symmetry. As in Self-Symmetry of the Hundredth Monkey.


Before I go further, tell me, do you believe in God?

Anonymous ID: 000000 Dec. 9, 2019, 4:09 a.m. No.7462471   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2480 >>2486

This captcha is absurd. Just had to renew it again. I am thinking it is because I am on TOR and posting "kinda" long posts. Who knows.



>Ok, maybe those questions were TOO stupid.


Not at all, just caught in captcha again for the third time in two hours. There are no dumb questions. Q said to leave nobody behind. And believe me, whether most Q followers know it or not, (or want to hear it)…All of this is really nothing new to those of us who have been awake for decades. Waiting for the Hundred Monkeys to even show up, we have been steadfast in dragging others along in the wake of things already learned and well known.



>Can you tell me what you think Phi means for us, as you see it?


It depends on what you say you believe about God, as to how I will explain it.

Anonymous ID: 000000 Dec. 9, 2019, 4:15 a.m. No.7462479   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2483 >>2484




>Those are amazingly good answers.


Well, since you believe in God, and if you got a bit of time, give me a few minutes to type and I will give you some very valuable insights that will save you loads of time. To quote Q, "It's going to be BIBLICAL". (Literally.)

Anonymous ID: 000000 Dec. 9, 2019, 4:34 a.m. No.7462513   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2521 >>2525 >>2530 >>2538 >>2626




Okay. First let me tell you why I am going to tell you. The word is Phileo. (no homo) There are three words for "love" in Greek. Eros, is erotic love. Agape, is often described as "God's Love" toward us. Phileo is brotherly love. That is why they call PHI-ladelphia the "City of Brotherly Love". But you probably already realize that the word "phileo" contains PHI.


This is what Christ was talking about:

"By this shall ye know them. They have love toward one another."


Because PHI is the Perfect Rule of Self-Symmetry. I believe that PHI is Chaos Theory's Strange Attractor between Order and Chaos. Visually, this is much easier to see if you look at a the Mandelbrot Set…or a Fern, and how each leaf of the fern is just a smaller version of the larger, etc.


The Greek word "Phileo" contains "phi" because it pertains to the Rule of Self-Symmetry. When Christ said, "I and the Father are ONE"…


Christ is "One" with the Father, because he maintains Self-Symmetry with the Father.


He literally said, that He only does what He sees the Father do.


Father = 1

Christ = .618


Jhn 10:37

"If I do not the works of my Father, believe me not."


That is Christ maintaining Self-Symmetry with The One.


Rev 3:21

To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne.


This is PHI NESTING, and the destiny of those

of us who maintain Self-Symmetry with Christ,

who maintains Self-Symmetry with the Father.


Or put differently…


Just as Christ is .618 to the Father's One/1,

Christ then becomes the One/1 to us, as we

become .618 to him.

Anonymous ID: 000000 Dec. 9, 2019, 4:41 a.m. No.7462525   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2536 >>2734



This is why it is a sin to worship the Creation over the Creator. Because everything we have…clothes, food, house, car, animals…It all came from the Creation. And the SIN of MAN is to worship the Creation over the Creator, because it is through the Creation/PHI, that God has revealed Himself to us as the Creator.


PHI is in spiral of the shell, or the crest of a wave. It is in our body, down to the DNA level. It is in almost all plants (well get to that), and is visible in dendrology/study of trees. The way each BRANCH spirals UP and it's designation on the ROTATION is based on PHI, that is why it is called PHI-lotaxis. That is how each branch gets the same amount of LIGHT.

Anonymous ID: 000000 Dec. 9, 2019, 4:50 a.m. No.7462545   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Think about that pentagram that you first posted. It scared a noob Christian. They said it was evil. It is not. The pentagram also shows the Rule of Self Symmetry, as you can shrink down the pentagram, and it will fit PERFECTLY into the small pentagon inside the "star".


You can apply the Rule of Self Symmetry Infinitely when thinking about God and "sin". That is what "REPENTance" actually means, when understood through Sacred Geometry. You cannot REPENT unless you BECOME Self Similar. This has to do with the BRANCH and the Burning Bush. Think of it this way…This is why Shadrak, Meschak, and Abednigo did not die in the "firey furnace" of Nebuchadnezzar.


Because they were Self Similar to the BRANCH who appeared in the furnace with them. God is an "all consuming fire", and was seen as the Burning Bush. Yet, if we are Self Similar to Christ, who is Self Similar to God, "we know not how we shall appear, but we will appear in his LIKENESS".

Anonymous ID: 000000 Dec. 9, 2019, 5:21 a.m. No.7462626   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Sorry, trying to respond but in captcha hell. I will respond after this about fractals and water.





>Why is Christ exactly .618? Because that is the law of all fractals?


In essence, yes. That is the simple answer. It is like asking why is G the perfect 5th of C.


But a better answer would be found if you get a diagram of a LINE being dissected by PHI.




AB is to CD as CD is to AC. ←—–An Infinite Division of Perfect Self Symmetry.


And that is why our Enemies invert the Pentagram. This is WHY they hate us. They are INCAPABLE of REPENTING because they are INCAPABLE of Self Symmetry with the Creator. They are "fallen stars" with broken symmetry.


Nancy Pelosi can talk about "her heart full of love", but we all know better. Christ spoke of those who would only follow riches in life, and that life is WHAT they get, because they have no Eternal/Infinite life with God because they are not Self Symmetry with the One.


They do the WORKS of their Father. Their numbers are NOT PHI. In fact, they are the LUCAS numbers. Which in nature, creates THORNS and THISTLES. Think about this. They lifted Christ between TIME and SPACE, and placed upon Him, (the Perfect Self Symmetry with God), THORNS.


They crowned PHI with the LUCAS numbers.


These people are SICK.

Anonymous ID: 000000 Dec. 9, 2019, 5:57 a.m. No.7462734   🗄️.is 🔗kun




>I think of us all as fractals of God.


Yes. Fractal shardes of a Holographic Plate of Consciousness. We are not all "divisions" of God. We are possibilities, and as shardes of the original Holographic Plate of Consciousness, we are all likened unto a typical holographic plate, where even when the plate is shattered, EVERY SHARDE contains THE WHOLE of the "IMAGE".


But as shardes of Consciousness, it is up to US to find the RIGHT LIGHT or Reference Beam. Everyone FILTERS the LIGHT depending on their own filters of morality, spirituality, negative/positive experience, etc.


Christ said to judge men as TREES. "By their fruit shall ye know them". And just as a TREE is based on PHI, and philotaxis provides for equal distribution of LIGHT amongst it's branches, each of us, depending on our individual Self Symmetry, FILTERS out the LIGHT of the Original Reference Beam, which is the LIGHT of GOD.


(((They))) are full of the Dark, because they have willfully FILTERED God's Light from the sharde of their holographic Consciousness.



>I even use the word fractal in my prayers.


Every Thought is a prayer or a curse.



>I see us all as both creators and created, simultaneously.


That is what the Atlanteans thought, and I couldn't disagree more. My studies show that we are the Elohym, but not YHVH Elohym. Whole nuther' subject there, but it does directlyl pertain back to PHI, and how we were Explicated from a Higher Dimensional Reality.



>This convo reminds me that Ph relates to the "Ph balance" of water.


>Phi = Water I/me? Feline/Philine


Just like a fish tank. Ph drops to 5, you got dead or sick fish. Same for our bodies. That is why, if you keep your Ph at 7, you don't get sick. I haven't been sick in decades. No coincidence that 7 is also the number of "spiritual perfection". Although I do not consider myself such, and don't equate a Ph level of 7 directly to such spiritual perfection. It's just another syncronicity as to how the numbers work together.


As far as femine/masculine, PHI is both, because the Greek symbol is a circle/female, with a line/male, drawn through the center of the vertical axis.


Totally off subject, but this also has to do with Q, and why Q throws out false information to make the Enemy studder-step. Make NO doubt, these people are using ceremonial and ritual Majik, that includes complex weavings of gematria with names and dates.


Whenever Q makes (((Them))) studder-step, they have to begin their rituals all over. Fact.



>Recent scientific research has discovered the golden ratio plays a quantitative role in establishing the atomic/ ionic radii for many molecules. Fourteen water molecules will cluster into tiny tetrahedrons forming a perfect recursive pentagonal geometry.


This is exactly correct. I'll have to come back in a minute to be part of that conversation. Hope you guys are still around.