Anonymous ID: c240c8 Dec. 9, 2019, 12:55 a.m. No.7462185   šŸ—„ļø.is šŸ”—kun

Desperate Israeli fish farmers give peckish pelicans a free lunch

Anonymous ID: c240c8 Dec. 9, 2019, 3:34 a.m. No.7462391   šŸ—„ļø.is šŸ”—kun   >>2413 >>2419 >>2433 >>2610 >>2676 >>2709

Justice Department watchdog to issue report on FBI handling of Russia probe


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Justice Departmentā€™s internal watchdog is expected to announce on Monday that the FBI, despite some mistakes, was legally justified in 2016 in opening its investigation into contacts between President Donald Trumpā€™s presidential campaign and Russia, according to sources familiar with the findings.


People familiar with the findings, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Horowitz concluded that the FBI had the proper legal basis to open the investigation. They said that Horowitz did find some mistakes in the process of obtaining the warrant, though this did not undermine the wiretapā€™s legality.

The report is expected to fault some FBI actions. U.S. media outlets have reported Horowitz found that a former low-level FBI lawyer, Kevin Clinesmith, improperly altered an email submitted to the FISA court when the surveillance warrant was being renewed.


Horowitz is expected to conclude that the dossier was not the sole piece of evidence used to convince the court, the sources said.



Anonymous ID: c240c8 Dec. 9, 2019, 3:39 a.m. No.7462400   šŸ—„ļø.is šŸ”—kun   >>2405 >>2518 >>2593 >>2797

Trump creates evidence faster than the House can draft impeachment articles




DEC 09, 2019 | 6:00 AM


President Donald Trump in the 2016 race made one argument against Hillary Clinton more than any other: Her sloppy handling of emails using a private server disqualified her from holding office; someone that negligent with U.S. security could not be trusted. The right-wing media echo chamber reverberated with that charge. To this day, Trump's cult chants "Lock her up!" at his rallies.


It therefore should be a tiny bit embarrassing ā€” What am I saying? These people have no shame! ā€” that Trump deliberately used unsecured communication. The Washington Post reports:

"President Trump has routinely communicated with his personal lawyer, Rudolph W. Giuliani, and other individuals speaking on cellphones vulnerable to monitoring by Russian and other foreign intelligence services, current and former U.S. officials said. ā€¦


"The disclosures provide fresh evidence suggesting that the president continues to defy the security guidance urged by his aides and followed by previous incumbents ā€” a stance that is particularly remarkable given Trump's attacks on Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential campaign for her use of a private email account while serving as secretary of state.


"The connection to the Ukraine campaign is also troubling because of how Moscow could exploit knowledge that Trump was secretly engaged in efforts to extract political favors from the government in Kyiv."


He was handing Russia the material with which to blackmail him because he wanted to conceal his calls and ensure there would be no record of the calls, which is about the best evidence of consciousness of guilt you are ever going to find. ("When Trump realized that this enabled [chief of staff John] Kelly to compile daily logs of his calls, and the identities of those he was speaking to, Trump became annoyed and reverted to using his cellphone, officials said. 'He was totally paranoid that everyone knew who he was talking to,' a former senior administration official said.")


His own advisers recognize the threat to national security. ("Trump's conduct has become a matter of renewed concern among senior officials at the White House after repeated attempts to break him of his habit of speaking on his own cellphone or to others using unsecured lines.")



Anonymous ID: c240c8 Dec. 9, 2019, 3:53 a.m. No.7462427   šŸ—„ļø.is šŸ”—kun   >>2445 >>2492

Trump accused of ā€˜dipping into a deep well of anti-Semitic tropesā€™ during speech to Jewish voters



Meagan Flynn

Dec. 9, 2019 at 7:50 p.m. GMT+9


Numerous Jewish groups castigated President Trump this weekend over his speech on Saturday to the Israeli American Council, accusing him of using anti-Semitic tropes while trying to appeal to Jewish voters.


In a 45-minute speech in Hollywood, Fla., Trump sought to convince a Jewish audience that they had ā€œno choiceā€ but to vote for him or else lose money to Democratic presidential contendersā€™ wealth tax plans. The president, while touting his administrationā€™s relationship with Israel, also said some Jews ā€œdonā€™t love Israel enough,ā€ recalling the time in August that he questioned the loyalty of Jews who vote for Democrats.


The Jewish Democratic Council of America called the presidentā€™s remarks ā€œdeeply offensiveā€ and his use of stereotypes ā€œunconscionable,ā€ saying that the Saturday night remarks ā€œonly reinforce our belief ā€¦ that Donald Trump is the biggest threat to American Jews.ā€


ā€œWe strongly denounce these vile and bigoted remarks in which the president ā€” once again ā€” used anti-Semitic stereotypes to characterize Jews as driven by money and insufficiently loyal to Israel,ā€ the groupā€™s executive director, Halie Soifer, said in a statement. ā€œHe even had the audacity to suggest that Jews ā€˜have no choiceā€™ but to support him. American Jews do have a choice, and theyā€™re not choosing President Trump or the Republican Party, which has been complicit in enacting his hateful agenda.ā€


The reaction from Jewish organizations outside the four walls of the conservative-leaning Israeli American Council event sharply contrasted with the reaction from Trumpā€™s audience Saturday night. Attendees often cheered the presidentā€™s pro-Israel stance and his decision to move the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, while laughing at the presidentā€™s controversial remarks. Some chanted ā€œfour more years!ā€


But by Sunday morning, as Trumpā€™s comments continued trickling out online, a host of Jewish groups condemned him.


Not much left to say about him, so its anti-jew time. Saving the "best" for last???