Making Q’s Map sounds simple but it is actually far from simple.
It's seems a simple enough task to just start plotting Deep State (((DS))) nodes and connections to visualize some of the inter-relationships. However if one rushes off and does so - one quickly becomes aware that there is a lot of information to lay down. There are very many actors, they have operated over long periods of time, they have had - many projects - in many places and the page quickly becomes overwhelmed by a rapidly growing plethora of information and links. The visual "clutter" generated quickly overwhelms all but the most obsessive autists.
How can one construct a coherent intelligible picture that will help people to make sense of what has and is going on around them? What follows are thoughts about the assumptions on which a map could be set up. Unless these assumptions are critically considered at the outset - then what ever map is derived - will be made with whatever weaknesses or strengths are inherent in those assumptions.
Assumptions about the MAP
The Deep State is the (((thing))) Q wants us to map?
The Deep State can be mapped.
It can be defined as sets of beliefs, attitudes and behaviours arranged around certain principles.
These beliefs, attitudes and behaviours set them apart from other groups because they are extreme.
Normal people consider them SICK.
It can also be defined by: it’s codes of conduct,
it’s modes of operation,
it’s secrecy,
it’s hierarchical structure,
it’s bloodlines,
it’s symbolism,
it’s venerations
“By their fruit you will know them”
What are the purposes of the map?
To communicate to normies in simple visual terms the history and reach of the (((thing))).
To show and tell how key events and (((people))) are connected to an under-lying order.
To be a repository of information and a point of access – (What information?)
So that people can be better informed about what they are being told - and why.
So that people can avoid being - themselves - dragged into the sewer,
To propagate the evidence that collectively describes the nature and works of the (((thing))).
I.e., to Red-pill the general public,
To shift public sentiment from ignorance to awareness and thereby,
To shift public policy and destroy corporate predation.
What form(s) should the map take?
A chart, database, a hyperlinked website wiki, a series of pictures, a collection of stories, a series of documentaries
All of the above?
Something different ?
Is the map a physical, material object or is it a world view and a belief system?
What are the limitations of the Map?
What is the Map NOT?
Is the map a diagram, a sketch or a database?
What is doable?
What resources can be harnessed to create the map?
What is the main content that needs to be shown and how is it to be organised/arranged/displayed?
Simple THEMATIC LISTS can be compelling eg. Clinton Body count, dead scientists, etc
GEOGRAPHIC RAT-LINES that show points of departure, modes of travel, waypoints, destinations and flows of (((goods))).
TIMELINES of key actors, activities, projects
KEY QUESTIONS about unknowns, obscured/redacted information
BIBLIOGRAPHIES of books, movies, records
What should NOT be shown?
This is an important consideration to reduce the
Known hoaxes and mis-directions?
This question needs further thought to clarify . . .
Should the map differentiate between facts, fictions, speculations and claims - if so how?
Facts in black, Fictions in red (or not at all), claims - credible/plausible/suspicious/flaky on a [blue-red] scale
> Eg. Seth Rich reported dead on xx date - how he died is uncertain - did he even die?
> Should speculations be not shown ~(Here be dragons)~