Remember that diversity and equality were never arrived at "organically" by our culture. They were ONLY ever born and pushed by the MSM, Hollywood, and every other arm of the Cabal. The concepts quickly made their way into the school system where every kid was indoctrinated. But they are not natural conclusions any society would arrive at. They are imposed on no society except White male dominated ones. Who does that tell you the target is? Who needs to be destroyed?
Could you imagine placing quotas on Black owned business for hiring a certain % of White workers? Girl scouts being ordered to allow boys? Black churches being forced to allow White members? (Any or all of these things may or may not happen but not because they were mandated by government.) It was never about diversity or equality. It was about genocide of the White race. Because - true or not, agree or not, the Cabal sees it this way - all other races are inferior and White males alone represent the biggest threat. As hung up as they are on their delusional "bloodline of superiority" fantasy, they don't need Whites for anything and consider them - especially males - the ultimate threat.